Warrior nerfs ... AGAIN?

I really don’t understand yet more nerfs - its just turning fury warriors back into the crap DF versions with target caps and reduced AOE damage to compared to other classes which most have 8 targets or unlimited.

In DF you left DH DPS to be OP for an entire season and DH tanks were OP for two seasons yet warriors were good for what 2-3 weeks?

Warriors looked good at the start of expansion because the mobs had no HP, fury does loads of burst damage and this was enough to kill mobs before any other class got to do anything. Now in M+ where mobs have loads of HP at the start of the pull yeah I run in and I can do 5mil damage and then it drops off very quick and other classes catch up and I end up at the bottom of the DPS meter in most pulls in M+.

I really don’t think whoever makes this decisions really has a clue how these classes actually work which is evident by the fact the arms skill isn’t called warbringer I am fairly sure its called warbreaker so yeah when you can’t even get the skill names right its clear you have no idea what is it you’re actually doing.

It’s almost like you want people to rotate around classes and be meta slaves which is why you keep buffing elemental shaman to try and get everyone playing that.

Seriously considering just giving up with this game because the only class I like playing is the warrior and it’s been crap for years. It needs to have these nerfs reverted to make it viable in M+. I pug M+ keys and its already pretty hard to get into keys because people have seen that the fury warrior ain’t all that great as it appeared to be at the start of the season.


don’t worry, you will be needed in keys when you do less damage than ret, frost dk, enhance, mage and many others, with far less reason to actually bring you with no cr or lust.

Even better? in a few months you get to be even worse when the patch hits! invest that time now, friend, stocks going up.


dude, what ret frost dk or enhance. we do less ST damage than augmentation lmao.

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FDKs are absolutely slapping right now. Ret is just flatout better in M+ and well, Mage is mage, the favoured class of the devs. Can’t speak for Enhance ST but in keys they’re very good.

Are you getting more nerfs? we’re middle of the pack and getting more. If you don’t understand the outrage then hey, np.