Warrior or Paladin?

I main an arms warrior and I recently boosted a ret paladin and I was surprised. I really like the utility that ret offers. I was thinking if I should continue to main my arms warrior or if I should switch in sl to my ret paladin.

What do you guys think about the specs?

I think its healthy to play many specs and classes and see which one gels, right?
I mean who knows where each of those specs will sit in the grand hierarchy.

I would say, just my two cents, go with your Paladin if not for refreshment but for the pure versatility that class can bring you later down the line in the forms of Hybrid play.

Every ret pally I know appear to be in a state of constant agony


I have heard dramatically mixed things about both.
Personally I would probably go with Warrior because I also like Fury, if you’re not willing to play Fury and just looking to main a spec, which is perfectly fine, then Ret offers more than Arms.

It is as you say, Paladin has a lot of flavor and utility and they get even more of it in SL.
It’s a give and take. Arms offers (in my opinion) a better DPS rotation on a target dummy, but Paladin offers more room to shine in groups.

Being able to off heal is great. I did a M+ run on my Shaman 2 days ago and the monk healer couldn’t keep up, it was satisfying knowing my Earth shields and off heals were actually stopping us from wiping.

Holy and prot are fun, but I can’t really make myself play ret.

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I don’t really like fury, it feels like I’m pressing buttons and nothing happens.

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Yeah, I can see that.
Ret and Arms are very similar in a single target environment, they feel slow with heavy hitters. I don’t think Paladin AOE is as nice as Warriors though.

Have you checked out the Shadowlands Legendary effects and Covenant abilities? Those could help sway you.

Nah, I will just choose based on looks.

If you only want to dps choose warrior they got two dps specializations while paladins only have one.

If you from to time are looking to heal choose paladin.

Never tried to tank with paladin but I like warrior tank.

Warrior!!! Unless it’s a Draenei paladin then go for that paladin.

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Go with Paladin. They are very shiny.

its part of playing paladin. thats why paladins always befriend each other, we suffer together which connects us. its the only class in this game where people feel like they are part of the community whereas other classes have no problems hating on each other. even palas i know with 6k raider io are happy to help whereas druids with 6k raider io just put you on the ignore list


IF you are team player and like utility and more then just “dps” /you want to do more then just dps play paladin.

If you are ZUG ZUG ZUG muh dps play warrior since it can not do anything else.

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Paladin tanking is where it’s at.

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Honestly warrior is just more fun.

We are… There also is a Pala support group called Uthers gathering where we just cry and tell where Blizzard touched us.


Ret paladin if you like to struggle finding decent groups and guilds. Actually, ret is useless, compared to a warrior.

Save yourself hard time and stick with warrior.



If you want to be a wheelchair spec then ret is your choicr

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I’m already in a good guild where anyone can play any class and any spec :slight_smile: