Warrior PTR/Live Testing Feedback

Hey everyone, I’ve spent quite some time on the PTR/live and wanted to share some thoughts about the current state of warriors.

Warrior AoE Damage

Warrior AoE damage is in a really bad spot. It’s so poor that as a DPS warrior, I’ve been declined from dungeon groups at times. I can understand why—our AoE damage in dungeons is significantly lower compared to other classes. It’s crazy to think that we can top the meters in raids, yet struggle so much in 5-man content.

Warrior Tank AoE Threat

Warrior tanks also have issues with AoE threat generation. We can still get groups because we’re tanks, but the general attitude is: “Oh, a warrior tank, I guess we can’t AoE.” Personally, I’ve tanked many dungeons without problems, but this negative perception exists. To clarify, I don’t want warriors to get buffed here. Our threat is solid. The real issue is that the other tanks’ AoE threat is ridiculously overpowered and needs a serious nerf.

DPS Warrior Issues

One of the main problems with warrior damage is that we often “need” external support to perform well, such as:

  • World Buffs (Valor of Azeroth isn’t enough)
  • Windfury Totem/Wild Strikes
  • Better baseline AoE damage (e.g., Whirlwind)

T2 Set Feedback

Initially, you had Improved Whirlwind as the 4-piece bonus on the T2 set, which I thought was a great step in the right direction. Now, you’ve replaced it with a better Heroic Strike, which likely boosts single-target damage for better parses. However, there’s more to the game than just parsing.

Before the changes, we could use the DPS set’s 4-piece bonus as a tank for a stronger Whirlwind in Defensive Stance, which would have been helpful for tanks. Since this is no longer part of the tier set, I hope you’ll consider buffing Whirlwind baseline and maybe even increasing its target cap to 8. This wouldn’t make warriors overpowered in AoE, but it would pull us out of the gutter and make us less weak in AoE situations.

T1 Set Feedback

The 6-set bonus on T1 is an insanely good damage buff, but it requires so much maintenance and feels awful to play with (personal opinion).

  • First, stance dancing has always been an important part of playing a warrior, and it should be a sacrifice—you lose rage and a global cooldown to access abilities only usable in a different stance. This way, you give up some damage to gain utility.

  • Second, constantly watching buffs and keeping them up takes too much of your focus, making the game less enjoyable. I want to play the game, not a mini-game where I’m staring at WeakAuras.

Windfury Thoughts

Playing without Wild Strikes feels dull, but we’ve always been a class that requires support to shine, so we can live with it. That said, I wish Windfury had been given to Paladins instead of Druids. An Aura of Command would have made more sense for faction balance and lore reasons. But it’s too late for that now. For the next Classic+ season, you should reconsider giving Alliance dwarf shamans and Horde undead paladins.

Valor of Azeroth Buffs?

The Valor of Azeroth is a bandaid to address our scaling issues with world buffs. Personally, I’d love to see all world buffs removed, but I know many players enjoy them. So, it seems necessary to keep buffing Valor of Azeroth as the game progresses, even though it’s a poor design. It’s the best option we have as long as world buffs exist and warriors are difficult to balance.

Warriors and Two-Handed Weapons

It looks like 2H Fury is finally being brought up to speed in the next phase—big thanks for that! It’s great to have more weapon options. However, Arms spec is still lagging in raids. To make Arms truly viable, I believe Mortal Strike should be given the Bonereaver’s Edge armor-reduction effect as a built-in chance on hit. Additionally, bosses should have higher armor so this effect can actually matter. Without enough armor on bosses, Mortal Strike won’t benefit from the debuff.

Warrior in PvP

For PvP improvements, I think a few changes would make a big difference (though I’m certainly not a big PvP player, so others probably have better ideas):

  • Orc Hardiness should be available to all races. But don’t stop there—make all racials available as runes that anyone can use.
  • Add baseline 100-150 Chromatic Resistance in PvP to help mitigate spell damage.

Next Season

One thing I’d really like to see from the runes in the next season is Thunder Clap being usable in Defensive Stance.

Sudden Death and Bloodsurge are also quite fun, and I wouldn’t mind seeing them become Arms or Fury talents. One key change I’d love to see: make it impossible to hardcast Slam when Bloodsurge isn’t procced. It’s frustrating to misclick Slam when the proc isn’t up and see that cast bar appear.

Warbringer would be fine too, but it could just replace Charge/Intercept.

The rest of the runes are just meh, not particularly fun.

It was pvp only and never used in pve. Neither any fullprot or furyprot or dps fury warrior did any stance dance during pve content.
The whole your post is about pve and then you bring pvp arguments here.

Stance dancing is boring AF and should be only used for some kind of important long cooldown ablilities (like mocking blow or disarm, that we used in classic once or twice a raid).

Also nobody cares about buffing warriors, the majority of players still hate warriors since classic where some tryhard bring 30 of them into raid and created this melee meta, so buffing warrios and making them equal to top dps will just make more dissatisfaction to that majority.
Chill, its a seasonal content, nobody cares actually.

i was in other threads about warrior aoe tank issues and advocated for them to get aoe threat buffs, but now, seeing you sit here asking for everyone else to get nerfed, i suddenly don’t feel like warriors should get an aoe threat buff.

wallow in pity and inferiority then, dwarf.

You stance dance in PvE as well. For example:

  • As a tank, you stance dance to break fears, use Intercept, and apply Thunder Clap, as well as Mocking Blow.
  • As DPS, you stance dance to apply Thunder Clap, use Charge at the start of a fight, or to Disarm (not often in raids, but in dungeons). You can also go to D stance to take less damage.

I’m not asking to buff warriors—I’m talking about making us viable in SoD’s crazy AoE scenarios.

I care about warriors; I’ve always loved the class and will continue to play it, even if it’s considered weak. Many others feel the same way. I did ask for nerfs to other classes, which indirectly benefits warrior tanks, I suppose.

Yes, it’s a seasonal server, but it’s also a testbed for the next season and Classic+. So our feedback matters. That’s why I’m talking about the current state as well as the future. I noticed your avatar is also a warrior, so maybe you should care about this too.

Thanx for all, good news if you tell that we can play with 2 H in fury.
Seems that ashkandi will not be the best arm for us ….
Someone can tell us which arm will be the best for 2H in BWL ?

Meat hook in pvp is awful, if a DK grips someone in any expansion it works, but any slight little ledge/jump bug it doesn’t work…

Tired of hunter abusing spots and not being able to get punished for it.

Fix it by making it 100% chance they’re gripped instead of “HRuhrUHRuh He hAs hIgH gRoUnd” so doesn’t work.

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