In case blizzard’s end goal for warrior is below average dps like we have now, you’ll have to increase our utility in a group setting.
I’d suggest a single point out of the following:
1-Talent in a non disruptive level at class talent that gives you group wide shield reflect. Other classes have far superior cooldowns.
2-Increase survivability. Adjust for pvp if needed.
3-baseline the cdr from shockwave, or make it less disruptive for other talents, and/or increase the aoe.
4-debuff enemies hit by major cooldowns like ravager or bladestorm, in a way that benefits the party. Or have a resource draining skill that seriously debuffs a single enemy or something.
Dont know why rally still exists . Even on these hp thresholds its pure freakin nothing .
6.2m hp you gain 620.000 so now you are at 6.8 xD guess what a oneshot is still oneshot this half a mill is not even worth pressing even if it was half a minute cd , NOT 3 MINUTES lol
Dps wise we are already below average both in st and mt .
Really no reason to bring a warrior to any scenario . Atleast beggining of the season we were on par with pallys and dk and we all know what happaned . We got nerfed 5 times while these classes getting nothing but buffs its amazing .
Paladin is gettin a complete freakin rework , and we get another nerf .
Truly our rework must be coming too with 3 more defensives , offheal , cr and bl right ??? right ?