Still haven’t decided on this one. The general idea is to play a Warsong outrider.
But I am in process of leveling a mag’har warrior for that goal. Though I am not really sure if I shouldn’t switch to a hunter. What do you people think?
Should I sacrifice +50 levels and reroll a hunter or simply finish leveling and either keep a warrior or make a hunter?
Depends, do you want a pet at your side or not? And do you like being a warrior over a hunter?
Not sure about the latter, but Warsong especially seem to be more hunter oriented, even if Grommash appears to be a warrior. I think we will see once I try out the heritage set how it will look like.
Well, the Outriders use bow and/or axe, so pick that which you Think fits best for your character.
I kinda want both, but just debating whether is it worth losing 50+ levels on a warrior to reroll a hunter or not. I mean both fit the outrider roleplay.
Level both then.
I’d personally make it a warrior with Frostwolves and Thunderlords fitting the Hunter class more.
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