Warsong Terrain Exploit. Season 99

Bro? xddddd
He just explained, it’s a fence that you can only jump through with very specific movements AND race.
Why don’t you explain to us how it was intended.
Like, what do you think the purpose of a fence is? XD

  1. The fence isn’t the only thing he arguing against. He’s against Horde tunnel jump, horde gy jumps, ally gy jumps et cetera.
  2. I agree with him that’s unfair that some models can jump though the fence, while other can’t.
  3. I have no idea what the fence is designed for. Thus far nobody has been able to prove the developers made those things not to be jumped on or jumped through. In fact, if they designed these with the intent not to jump though, an invisible wall would have been more effective.

A fence’s purpose is to keep people out man.

The map is made in like 2002, they made mistakes that they later patched out, that’s proof enough. The jumps are so hard to pull off, that there is no way they intended it. It’s not some 200iq super secret stuff, it’s just mistakes with the textures and character models that they didn’t find in testing.
If they actually intended the jumps to be possible then it should be possible with all characters no? Like we are grasping at straws here so hard it’s crazy.

The jumps aren’t hard to pull off :rofl:

Every jump can be learned by both male and female characters models on both sides. After testing the fence one on my male Tauren you can actually do it but it’s not as smooth as using a female character model. They just seem to jump straight through where you have to do like 2-3 jumps to get over with a male character.

The rest of the jumps aren’t even glitches you’re basically using objects to jump from one point to another for most of them. Even the wall run has a area you can visibly see that much flatter than the rest and that’s the reason you can jump up the ally GY wall.

Why is the horde fence then so low? Even in a wheelchair I would be able to get over it.

Most jumps he’s wants to get removed are possible by all models. Name me one model that can’t peform the horde tunnel jump.

Do you know what kind of crazy mechanics they put in instances? Like this dude in Shadowfang Keep is constantly mind controlling my tank, but moving forward and jumping is too difficult?

Well, a lot of things have been patched out in later expansions. If they remove everything from classic that was patched out in later expansions, not much would be left.

It’s not that hard to do the jumps. Big models need to do like 1 extra jump to get trough the fence, but thats it. Pros and Cons of bigger models. :wink:

Yeah, so tell me, why we playing latest version of WoW Classic 1.15.0 (Release x64) Dec 15 2023. and not version 1.00.0 (Release x86) Nov 23 2004?

Only this fact breaks your logic.

Yeah, terrain bugs is a 99.99% of this game, nothing will left…

Probably I should repeat the part of my first post:

I have another example of “intended” terrain which has a purpose of being hidden. It’s even called “Hidden path” and its hidden in the mountains for shaman’s quest in Valley of Trials of Durotar. If you really can’t understand how the hidden path in WoW should looks like (hidden for a first glance, but reveals if you look deeper) you can go there (create a horde new character) and look.

If the platform where you can walk or stay are

  • invisible
  • much much smaller thn your feet
  • looks like something closed (door/wall/fence/etc)
  • have a corner shape closer to wall, not to a platform to stay (obviously the 30 degree are walkable, 88 degree are not, and we have no climbing ability for any characters in WSG as far as I know, same for a climbing animations)

Its not intended. Simple, huh?

Had this exact issue with someone playing human female holding the flag and jumping through gaps in the wall that we could not fit through.

This is false representation of my argument. He was arguing that these jumps should be removed, because they were patched out in a later expansion. I’m explicitly refering to all changes made in later expansion with regard to classic world. I said nothing about changes made during vanilla itself.

A forum is a place to discuss things, no? Discussion implies contrasting views. Starting a topic on a forum not aimed of opponents is a bit contradicting imo.

While I wouldn’t argue these jumps you are arguing against are intendend, I find the opposite hard to believe as well. That blizzard designed for example the horde tunnel roof only to be accessible through horde ramp or w/e. Which brings me to a point we discussed before: a lot of mechanics in classic are used differently than they were intended. The mechanics themselves involving the jumps, function as intended.

My patch version note was not about “changes in vanilla” or “changes after vanilla”. It represents - we do not playing the actual version of WoW right know anyway. In that case - we can’t argue like “we can’t do changes”. Bro, you literally have spells from TBC/Cata/WOTLK, but we can’t have bugfixes from these periods?

No, you can’t jump in a wheelchair.

Try to speak the truth and nothing but the truth and your heart will feel lighter.

Not saying we can’t do changes. Saying we shouldn’t change things, because they were changed in later expansion. Regarding you statement about the bugs: I do not believe it is a bug. Your argument would be stronger if you could prove by developer notes for example what the actual intent of the horde tunnel and alliance wall is.

It was a figure of speech.

I consistently try to speak the truth. Implying someone doesn’t try to speak the truth without any evidence is hurtful.

But developer also didn’t tell you about “its not a bug”, right?
They said nothing about it related to SoD. That’s why I posted this topic - to get their attention (I know its almost pointless but who knows what are they reading and what are they don’t).

But if it was fixed in later expansion, it’s a 100% a bug. Yeah, fixed bug by developers themselves also not a proof for ppl like you, I know.

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While I believe you when you say developers never stated it is not a bug, I don’t think this is very relevant, because if developers had to state for everything that isn’t bug, that is in fact not a bug, they would have to make an infinite amount of statements. There is a reason why prosecuters have to prove a defendant did something illegal instead of the defendant proving he did not do something illegal.

  • How do you define bug? If you are pushed out of the ship from Booty Bay to Ratchet during loading screen… is it a bug? Developers never said it’s a bug. Maybe it was a wind, maybe woman has no place on a ship, maybe it was Davy Jones… you can defend ANY type of bug by demagogy like this.
  • The terrain in the game are imitating terrain in the real world. The characters we playing are imitating movement of real humanoids in the real world. We have some angles humanoids are capable to climb via changing the angle of our feet, so you can go into 20 degrees angles up or down. You CAN’T GO UP 90 degrees angle with jumping near it… even simplest indie games imitates some kind of physics of real world for immersion, there’s no immersion in jumping through invisible holes in fences what supposed to be fences… why they put fences there in a first place if they suppose to be passable?
  • You can defend ANY type of bug in the game by referencing the developers who are clearly not the most caring people
  • They said it was a bug by… fixing it in later versions of the game :slight_smile: Why do you fix what wasn’t a bug or broken?

Not infinite, just the common cases which people discuss on forums. That’s why forum exists, btw, for a feedback.

up nerf that !!

Up! really makes me quit every wsg after 3mins when i see some druid jumping walls etc… Ye call it skill issue that i dont know how to jump on 1 pixel, i dont honestly care. It was never meant to be and should have been fixed like 19 years ago. Really ruins the game for 90% of playerbase if not more. Just use common sense if u have any, and fix this exlpoiting.

honestly i dont get why people try to argue that these WSG jumps shouldn’t be fixed, it is plain and simply terrain bug abusing.

Reason is simple: they’re abusing it.