Warsong Terrain Exploit. Season 99

Yet another complain about 20 years old bugged Warsong terrain.

This topic wasn’t for the type of people:

  • “it’s not a bug, its a feature”
  • "you just need to learn how to exploit it yourself*
  • “you are the hunter, your pet deals damage like it supposed to, you can’t talk about bugs”

The base principle of Warsong battleground is - cappin a flag using a mirrored terrain similar for both sides. This terrain has some straight ways like tunnel, its faster, with a boots, but it’s closed (non-outdoors), its predictable, you can just wait on the exit and ambush the EFC. Another way is ramp or egy, its longer (ramp) and more dangerous (egy), but allows you to use outdoor abilities like ghost wolf, travel form, mount.

The terrain exploit like horde graveyard jump-up, tunnel roof jump-up, ramp fence jump-up etc ruins the base principle of this battleground, allows you to avoid specifics of designed ways, so you can take both short way and outdoor way, also pretty unexpected way for a lot of people who are not much into exploits of the game, who just want to make fun. In addition to that - tunnel roof blocks warlock/hunter’s pets from attacking and all ranged attacks. Imagine spending crucial seconds just to run other the half of the map to catch the EFC who can cap twice this time.

Another, less valuable, but still valuable complain about terrain exploit is hiding in terrain. Again, by design, you have some places to hide, and the bright flag disallows you to hide just in every corner of the map because it will be terrible idea, so you have some specific spaces to do that like base roof. Now what about back(grave)yard horde saw thing, there you can not just hide to avoid bein spotted (only via track humanoids), you can also evade ranged attacks.

So if you want to change the design of the battleground and allow this things to happen - make a direct or almost direct ways to do that (without blocking pets/ranged attacks and allow all players to do that, not only exploiters). If you are not planned this ways at all - disable it by just adding invisible walls there. I see no way to have this exploits as a “fun part” of Warsong. Its not user friendly, its not newbies friendly, it looks awful and bugged, it’s like a big slap in a face to developers who can’t fix easiest bugs since 2004.

I can understand, you crutched this battleground via 15 min limit on retail, in classic we had 3 battlegrounds you can avoid WSG. Since TBC people play arena and openworld pvp and battlegrounds was killed anyway. But in SoD with 25 lvl limit this is the only one battleground you have. Besides PVP (but PVE actually) horde-favored Ashenvale mess and open-world-gank - its the only PVP. Why can’t you show some respect to players who want to play it? Both main aspects (carrying a flag and intercept the flag) are ruined by this terrain exploits. Just. Fix it. No one actually need it anyway.

Thank you.


Notice you didn’t mention any of the Alliance wall jumps or fence jumps which are even more abusable by Female NE Druids. In fact all Horde jumps can be mastered in a few days by any Alliance player, but not all Alliance wall jumps can be done by certain character models on Horde side. Horde jumps are significantly easier than Alliance ones also. You literally have a wall run that takes you straight up the cliff face into a invisible fence hole that allows you to pretty much take 15 seconds off a flag cap.


Horde says it is Ally-favoured. I don’t know who is right, but I also don’t think it matters. If you want to have it balanced there must be a symetric map. Do you really want that in the open world?

Not questioning the accuracy of your statement. But the question should not be discussed faction-related. Abuse mechanisms should be removed - regardless of which side is favoured.

Did I said “You should left ally wallhacks on and turn off only horde side one”?
No, I did not.
I mentioned horde graveyard and BOTH sides tunnel and ramp.
Any kind of terrain exploits must be fixed regardless of faction, both sides can abuse it and for both sides is bad, today I play alliance, tomorrow I play horde, who cares.

Horde says it is Ally-favoured. I don’t know who is right, but I also don’t think it matters. If you want to have it balanced there must be a symetric map. Do you really want that in the open world?

Horde has 2 flypaths. alliance has one. Simply turn it off for event time and vualla. No need of symmetric map, all new boss spawn points was added manually and also could be easily corrected to avoid spend 95% of fight in run for alliance side. Alliance main capital is on a different side of the world, horde capital in 1 minute walk.

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In my opinion these jumps are not particularly difficult. Removing these jumps because supposedly the are too difficult to master for some players, is like removing certain class mechanics because they are too difficult to master for some players.

I agree with the Alliance fence argument tho. Bit unfair that certain models can jump through, while others cant.

Regarding the Ashenvale event, hearing that alliance can bug certain blademasters to despawn. If true, event is massively favored alliance, of course.

The fact is anyone can do them it’s not hard. They’ve been in the game forever and are unlikely to get fixed. I agree they can be very annoying in Pugs because like 90% of the player don’t know how to do them so it drags out matches forever when you have a druid on both sides that knows how to do them flawlessly. Still won’t get changed though.

I suggest when you’re getting stomped by a premade and are basically just waiting for them to 3 cap you go and practice these wall jumps. It should take you no more than a few days to get the hang of them, especially with the amount of premades that you currently face in pugs. Once you learn you will be able to follow these pesky druids and maybe even get the flag back.

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Well, literally it means: there’s some bugs, you should learn how to use bugs to avoid lose against bug-users. And this is against rules of this game. Question is “hard/not hard”. Question is - it’s supposed to or not.


But it’s not against the rules or people would have been banned for it multiple times over the last few years.

There are more things in classic that are not working as supposed to. I don’t think Skull of Impending Doom was designed with the intent to remove CC on you, making it the strongest off-hand for pvp in the game.

Should skull be nerfed or removed from the game in your opinion?

Yeah, removed. Like bots, for example, right? Like cheaters… if cheaters against the rules, they should be removed from all the games :smiley:

Use: Increase your run speed by 60% for 10 sec, but deals 100 to 500 damage and drains 100 to 500 mana every 2 seconds. (5 Min Cooldown)

5 minutes cooldown, like trinket. Eats half of your health and mana… yeah, thanks for that “useful” bug:) And yeah, any damage could possibly remove your from some CC like sap, so it’s by design.

Guys, who use this bug already and it helps you to win - as i said before, this post not for you, this is for the guys who want to play WSG, not Mario Bros. You should probably avoid to be revealed by trying to defend this :slight_smile:


Most cc breaks after the first tick. Then you can remove the effect limiting the hp/mana drained.

IDK what you are trying to say here, but botters sometimes do get banned, while nobody ever got banned for jumping on H tunnel.

What is not by design when someone moves forward, jumps and lands on an object?

You are now pretending there is an objective norm of how to play WSG which coincidentally happens to match your view.

You are assuming that I am trying to reveal anything and that I am arguing against removing the jumps, because I use them. What am I revealing and why would I reveal that? Moreover, me using these jumps has nothing to do with me defending these jumps. I simply believe your arguments are flawed.

bruh it’s not about mastering the jumps maybe we want see to fix it because…umm…well maybe because it’s an EXPLOIT? and not intended to be in the game?


What makes you think it is an exploit? Players move forward, jump and land on an object. Seems to working like intended. I’m pretty sure objects are designed not to fall through em. That would be a bug.

It’s called demagogy. Exploters trying their best to defend their exploits :slight_smile:


I find it hurtful that you are accusing me of exploiting and demagogy, because I disagree with you. Moreover, rn you are attacking the person instead of the argument.

By this logic, I should have been attacking these jumps in the period I wasn’t using them. I was completely fine with other ppl using them, however.

Tell me plz, does the flag fall off when using rocket boots in classic vanilla?

Not in any version of classic/vanilla thus far. Remains to be seen for SoD, however.

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In my main first post I told how you should play WSG. You can quote me and tell me “this is true”, “this is wrong”. But no, you skipped that part and sometime later you telling me how I wrong about obviously unintended terrain exploits in WSG, literally trying to defend the exploits by saying “Hey, here is the wall, looks like wall, built as a wall, but if you find a one small place in this 500 meters long wall and jump several times being a specific race in a game, you can jump over it, avoiding ranged attack and pets attack (sometimes they even stuck in this terrain and returns to you only after death) during this process, and if you have a flag, you can go straight to the flag room to cap it, avoiding people to follow you, because they also need to jump other the same fence in a same place, spending a lot of time, and if they for some reason would jump not on the angle of 34 degrees, but on the angle of 36 degree, they will lose a game. And this is how it supposed to be”. You should google what is Occam’s razor.

That’s why I called that “demagogy”, we both know you are straight wrong and defending the point of exploits, and the best reason of defending the exploits (logically) only if you using it by yourself. My position is pretty open and obvious, your position is shady and misleading. “Walls shouldn’t be walls” you say. Yeah. Good luck with that :slight_smile:

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sod is not classic
so let’s bring in the wsg map from tbc or something when that got fixed

there’s nothing quite like getting roofed on loop at 2 am on a Sunday, I highly recommend it

How are you sure all those objects are intended not not to jump on? I think most objects you are refering to, are not really designed with the any other intent than filling up the map.

Yeah some models being able to jump though alli fence is a bit unfair.

please no, TBC is quite boring. Jump after the efc and kill him. Better solution.