Was hoping to play test Evoker in beta but no beta :I

Hi i am looking very much forward to playing the evoker, been playing since vanilla and for many years i have been wanting a playable dragon race so thank you blizzard <3

I do not have beta access however from all the youtube vids i have watched, i have a basic understanding of the spec.

there are some key worries of mine:

Why make soar slower just why break the fun?

why not make dreamflight a baseline (a weaker version) from what i gather its a talent :slight_smile:

Will there be a toggle option or a possiblity to make a macro to auto Enter/exit dragon form when exit//entering combat ?

will there be a mage tower armor set ?

that’s it so far :smiley:

Yes. And you can do almost all healing spells without transforming into a dragon. Even better, you can transform back while in combat, but it triggers a GCD, so you cant macro it.

Not for now. They are not even set up to have a challenge. Maybe they will in a future patch. The same can be said about the Staff of Tarecgosa (Firelands legendary), for now they dont have access to it. Maybe in a future Beta patch.

Amazing about the in combat transformation :smile: Will be amazing to still see transmigrasi and such.

I wish you could focus more on green magic for Dungeons but for now time magic seems the Way to go

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