Watch Shadowlands: Story Trailer

I get that, and I’m a little sad that Nathanos and her didn’t split and he took over as the snarky-yet-pragmatic Forsaken head honcho. I think he’d have done a good job of it.

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While watching it I had goosebumps of excitment!

So it looks like the story really is trying to humanize Sylvanas and her lover with the ultimate aim of her being a beloved hero by everyone in game. OK… disappointing. Sorry, but I don’t want a genocidal maniac humanized to me through forced narratives.

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The way Sylvanas looks in this Trailer is like she will get a redemption but looks like a costly one.

I don’t want her death

Anduin wants a wife and Sylvanas could be the bride


looks awesome.

What if… Sylvanas becomes living elf again and gets to suffer all her evil banshee-form made as a punishment…?

She doesn’t even look like Sylvanas anymore… Are you telling me this is the person who killed that human tide guy, who killed Saurfang, who tortured Baine??

I see character going through a huge twist just to be redeemed…

After she suicided jumping off Icecrown we are told that she gets to suffer darkness and torments forever in the same place where Arthas soul is (the Maw) as her undead form corrupted her essence. She then got back sacrificing one of her valkyrs and I’m pretty sure she knows that she will never be at peace until she changes the system or find a way to be really immortal.

Nothing escapes the Maw.

Mm’yeah. I had a good laugh with that one.

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