Just report the alt stuff posing as other players as spam and move on then, it only takes like 5 people or so to get a post hidden for review. Sometimes the people targeted haven’t even done anything with alts before someone comes in naming alts and things that have happened in the past. You forget that this can be used as a way to harass other players including in game.
That’s true but there are better ways of dealing with people who do stuff on alts then essentially naming and shaming them which is what happens. The irony is that some of those who preach about naming and shaming are the ones doing this.
Blizzard should consider locking accounts onto specific characters for a specific period of time so that the whole alt thing can’t be done.
I won’t say anymore because this isn’t the thread for it really.
I don’t forget it at all, since those individuals astroturfing, are frequently also harassers… full disclosure when someone is abusing their Alt pool to covertly harass on the Forums, is therefore entirely reasonable.
With freedom of speech, comes responsibility… stand openly behind your opinions.
All of these.
They’ll call it ASPECT POWER!
You’ll have to align with 1 of the Aspects/Dragonflights once you hit lvl cap and then they’ll make it AWFUL to switch once they’ve balanced the Aspects more, aka moved the BEST one for your class/spec to a new one.
But don’t worry! In 10.2 patch 1½ years after release they’ll make it much easier.
Sounds excellent…as long as farming it, is not slowed by an Aspect Power drought which is stopping the Dragon Flights from getting empowered again…that would not be so good.
I’m not sure what I find more abhorrent: the lack of capital letter for August or the possibility that the expansion is 16 months away (as 9.2.5 and Season 4 was already confirmed for later this year so obviously not referring to August 2022).
Generally, that aside though, the hype is non-existent for me. Blizzard are slowly sapping any joy this game once had.