Watch the WoW Q&A at BlizzConline Today at 20:00 GMT / 21:00 CET

And how exactly is that going to kill faction imbalance? It was brought in because there were more Horde players doing PvP than Alliance it is hardly going to push people to actually move to alliance for PvE reasons.

Overall the factions themselves are fairly well balanced numbers wise it is at the high end of PvE where the differences are felt.

Drama much?

I thought it was an excellent question and a good answer. If you think about the issue yourself, then it’s obviously complex and a clear-cut solution is not easy to imagine. I think it’s fair that Ion is honest about that, and more than that, that the team sees it as a high priority issue. So even if they don’t have a solution now, they’re obviously as aware of it as we are.

So good question, good answer. :slight_smile:

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It seems not. I’m really disappointed with his reply. The options we got don’t cover everything players wanted for any race, and some races are in dire need of more options.

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It’s not a permanent solution, but currently, mercenary mode allows horde players to reap all the rewards of playing the more populated faction, and also getting the bonus from playing the less populated faction (shorter queues). If horde players want short queues for casual pvp, they should have to play alliance.

It was just an example to show you that there are plenty of ways to incentivize more people to play alliance.

Why was that ever a dream lol.

You and I are never going to agree over this so I will leave this here with my final thoughts on the matter.

Mercenary mode was brought in because there was already an imbalance in people playing casual PvP and it wasn’t causing people to change factions just complain loudly. Taking it away isn’t going to induce players to change faction as casual PvP isn’t what they are primarily interested in. All it is going to do is cause people to complain.

Don’t get me wrong I really don’t care if mercenary mode stays or goes but I don’t think removing it will do anything to solve an imbalance that was there before it was introduced.


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WoW q&a…lets talk 10 mins about pandemic. :rofl:


What a waste of time, apart from the flying confirmation nothing on note was said in an hour.

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Well it is the elephant in the room that really hangs like a dark cloud over the development of the game. It would be kind of bizarre not to acknowledge it and address it, even in a positive and whimsical way.

Absolutely, in opening ceremony…not in wow q&a from players that is time restricted…i can guarantee you that 90% of ppl watching didnt give a damn about that.

Disgrace… dodging important topics, as always… you never learn do you Blizz

I think it’s okay to serve the 10% that are looking for an entertaining and casual Blizzconline experience and not seeing a Q&A as a public trial where the developers are supposed to get grilled for an hour until they’re sweating bullets so the nerd sitting in front of his PC can glee with sadistic joy.

Different strokes for different folks.


This made me lol hard.

I’m really glad you’re not an MVP any more. :stuck_out_tongue:

But it’s true.

It’s the same QQ complaints every time there’s a Q&A.

They don’t answer the real questions. The hard questions. The questions that matter.

But fact of the matter is that they ask the questions that people have posted.
You asked a question and it was raised. So that question obviously mattered to you.
Likewise the guy who asked the question about COVID-19 probably felt it was a question he wanted to hear something about.

It’s tiring and annoying to always have this boo-hoo crap from the community because it’s not the questions they personally want, dismissing the fact that it is the community’s own questions even if they’re not theirs.

So am I. Gives more freedom to put people in their place.

It mattered to all of us that want a healthy game, yes. The fact that you guys voted it means it’s something we all care about and I’m happy it was featured in this super short Q&A.

At least our voices were heard and we know they will think about it in the future.

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so no further customizations in shadowlands? i thought this was a major core of this expansion?