Watch the WoW Q&A at BlizzConline Today at 20:00 GMT / 21:00 CET

Except go into the pug life. You guys from my experiences are just as disrespectful and impatient as heck as we are.

So yeah, your right outside that stuff. But if you count that. Nope. There is no better or worse. They are both equal in worse.

Shame they completely dodged any and all questions regarding covenant player power.

I guess they just decided on having 1 viable covenant for each class and balancing the entire game going forward around that.


Whenever someone says “Horde racials are better” I know those dudes have no clue. They were imbalanced back during Mop. This is true, they’re the origin of that snowball effect. But in a legion/bfa/SL context, racials are not the problem, since they’re kinda irrelevant. By that, I mean the margin between the best and worst races are like 200 dps for every single dps spec, which is less than 1 percent.

I’m pugging a lot of M+ and I agree, both sides are dog awful to play with. But the Horde has more pug groups to offer so…

Also, the main point of me moving Horde is that there are 10 times more Horde guilds than Alliance guilds out there, so…

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the factions haven’t been relevant since classic whenever people use it as justification for the continued existence of a dead and decaying horse i wonder how much drugs you need to do be that out touch with the reality that game has moved beyond a vs h ages ago everytime they try to use the factions as building blocks for anything it ends up being a stinking turd of failure

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But in fairness, isn’t that a fairly old and repeated question that Ion has answered multiple times already and if you use google for 5 seconds you can take your pick at it?

I mean, here:

Class and Covenant Balance

How do you plan to handle the balancing of Covenants and Legendaries after launch when players have already invested resources in those decisions.

The answer there is conservatively. We understand that when players have a permanent or heavy investment in something, we don’t want to change that out from under them. That said, if it turns out that there are outliers that are really harmful to overall game balance – that the community figures out some combination or synergy that we’ve overlooked – things like the Blaster Master, Mechagon Bracers, Lucid Dreams Fire Mage synergy come to mind where it’s like yup this is just way out there, then yes we would make tuning changes but we would do that with a eye towards not upsetting the ranking of things. If something is the best for certain situations by a whole lot, we would bring it down but maybe not quite as much as pure balance would dictate or as we might have done if we had faced the same issue in Beta, so that players aren’t regretting their choices or feeling like they should have done something else.

Exclusive Shadowlands Interview with Ion Hazzikostas - Class Balance, Covenants, Season 1 - Wowhead News

And I could go on if I could be bothered.

Does it really require being repeated more often? It’s obviously an area that falls under the umbrella of balance which Blizzard approaches as they do with all balance: on-going and on case-by-case basis. The patch notes ultimately reveal when they’ve made decisions.

Wiser for investors, absolutely useless for your players who are the ones supporting your game. Blizzard’s reputation is at an all-time low and their own community has 0 faith in their decisions and intentions for every single one of their games, you ask yourself how they got there from being one of the most beloved companies in gaming.

This was probably the worst Blizzcon ever strictly looking at what was announced and how it was announced, even when completely disregarding the format of the event. Diablo stuff had the most substance and even that is years and years away.

Translation: The WoW player laments that Blizzcon is no longer WoWcon and that another franchise for once has a lot to reveal and talk about.

Oh the horror… :roll_eyes:

Way to go twisting my words to derail the discussion. I’m happy Diablo got news and updates, I’m not happy that WoW got nothing but screenshots and slides of something that should be around the corner, but is instead in Alpha stages of development apparently.

It really sounded like Ion’s contemplating adding cross-faction grouping of some sort. Would be great imo.

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I hope you guys get a fix in the nearest future.

I don’t mind cross faction play in PvE as long as factions stay the same for PvP so I can RP keel some Alliance (or Horde). :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I doubt there’d be world content cross faction groups.
I think it’d be for instanced content.

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I too would prefer if content was further along in development and they had even more to share, but that’s just not how it is. It’s not like it’s to Blizzard’s benefit or anything. I’m sure they would have preferred to have held a Blizzcon as per usual with a real audience and a strong lineup of announcements. But circumstances are just not in anyone’s favor right now, and if this is what the WoW team have managed to produce, well then so be it. I mean, it’s not like we can force them to go work in the office as normal and pretend there isn’t a pandemic going on because people want their WoW patch damn it!

I agree with you until here. Pandemic hit financially everyone involved, both the company and the customers YET somehow we got a full price tag on the game and we still pay normal sub fees.

I’m not disagreeing with you, for the most part you’re right, but they’re not making any concessions either.

I agree but that’s exactly where transparency plays a huge role in getting customer respect. Did they want to produce more but were constrained by working from home, or did they waste time prioritizing systems many of us were against from the start?

There was also WoD which was content-starved due to being horribly mismanaged and there was no global pandemic at the time. I know I would respect them much more if the gave us a roadmap of what they plan on doing or what they wanted to do but couldn’t crack it due to the situation. If anything, Covid allows them to do that whereas otherwise it would just be a result of incompetence and mismanagement.

They have a bad habit of not addressing issues and only admitting failure when it’s too late both in the expansion cycle and in the eyes of players. Pretending all is rosy all the time gives the impression that they are content, and that nothing will be improving any time soon.

Also this. The comparatively lacking state of the game isn’t reflected in any of their services. I’m not expecting them to drop the sub price or anything but this is exactly the time when you should be doing everything you can to appease your customers.

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I don’t know. WoW is an expensive game and Blizzard charge premium prices for their products.
But I think it’s also the player’s own responsibility to approach WoW as a customer and consider the price and value of the product.
I mean, if people don’t think they’re getting value for their subscription, then don’t blindly subscribe each month! Evaluate which months are enticing (holiday events? patch release? etc.) and pay to play during those months and then skip out on the months that are boring where nothing happens.
We have the knowledge of foresight, so there’s no excuse for paying for a 30 day subscription when you can easily evaluate whether or not those 30 days contain 10 bucks worth of gaming value. If they don’t, then don’t subscribe!

Not to defend Blizzard too much, but none of the people on the stage are in any way responsible for the costs of the product or the business model surrounding it. They just make the game. They don’t put the price tag on it.

I think there’s a danger in talking about things they would have done but didn’t do, because it can easily turn into a depressing affair. Especially if the thing that went into the trash can was the thing you really wanted.
And on top of that, then Blizzard have this way of always going back and revisiting old ideas or designs. So it’s never really this straightforward sausage factory where ideas go into one end and come out as full designs immediate after on the other end.
Take something like the Dance Studio. Showcased and teased, then scrapped, then re-considered, and then years later finds its way into the game in a quirky way. That’s a good example of Blizzard’s iterative process where an answer today might not apply to tomorrow’s future.

From a management perspective it’s also just impossible to say anything about the future in regards to work. I know that from my own job. There are so many uncertainties. I mean, the news are filled with it. The mutations, the vaccine rollout, the natural disasters that decide to join the party for no reason what so ever. All of that stuff makes it impossible to have any kind of organizational planning that is firm in the slightest.

I used to work for a large toy company and we were often faced with criticism from our die-hard fans that’s similar to what Blizzard faces. And even if there was a push for a fast response it often became a slow response in the end, because an issue all big companies struggle with is that processes become long and complex. And whereas small companies are dynamic and can easily adapt to new situations, then big companies turn into elephants where small changes are giant operations because everything is so complex and involves so many people and parts.
And that’s Blizzard these days. They’re a big company and their games are behemoths. They are elephants and even if they try internally to be quick and adaptable, I’m sure they’re dealing with the same elephant issues and are desperately trying to cut email times and reduce project meetings and impose more user decisions and so on.
All big companies deal with this issue. It’s not really a Blizzard thing per se.

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Lmao nope. Had to end up just reading the WoWhead write up on it, was getting to me. :stuck_out_tongue:

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