Watch TV at home?! You gotta see the links!

My biggest hope for player housing is that they will allow us watch YouTube on our televisions made by goblin technology! Since we already have technology, engineering stuff in WoW, it wouldn’t be weird to see some televisions as one of the housing items. Please make sure to read and check the links before you comment. Dont forget to delete the blanks in the links!

So the system i would like to see works this way:
1) Place the TV at any location you want at home
2) Go to YouTube on browser (not in game)
3) Copy the video link you wanna play in WoW TV
4) Paste it in the link share part of the TV (in game)
5) Tadaa! The video/music starts playing, enjoy!

In the following part below i am showing a game which already has this system.

In this part i am copy-pasting the YouTube video link to the TV:

h t t p s : / / i m g u r . c o m / P y U K 9 V Z

As you see, the idea is simply copy the YouTube video link and paste it in the game and your TV plays the video! You can listen music, watch stuff on TV with friends or with random people!

In this part i am watching World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Cinematic Trailer from YouTube in the game:

h t t p s : / / i m g u r . c o m / O B Z 7 y b I
ht t p s : / / i m g u r . c o m / h 0 3 L O P l

In here i am adding more videos to play list which will start automatically after the current video ends or if i skip it:

h t t p s : / / i m g u r . c o m / 4 5 z y f f Q

In here i am watching World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth Cinematic Trailer:

h t t p s : / / i m g u r . c o m / a M T i z b f

In here i am watching some Asmongold TV YouTube video:

h t t p s : / / i m g u r . c o m / z a 6 1 B j 5

Just imagine what if we could enjoy this in World of Warcraft! Sitting on our couch next to our fireplace, friends sitting by you or you are alone, or you allowed random players to visit your house and you play your favorite songs one by one and enjoy the moment! I know you can simply share links of the videos to those you want to show elsewhere, but it would never be/feel the same as when you watch it at home. As we know wow’s housing system won’t grant any power related stuff, so it will all be fun related, then why not add this as it may bring only fun to our time at home! It would also be a nice way to spend time, meet new people in the game.

This is not gonna happen, it would be a colossal headache for the legal departement at Blizzard as they would have zero control over the floodgate of potential copyright infringements inside their own game.


How to hype yourself into total disappointment 101.

For your own sakes lower your expectations and stop thinking of other games and the abilities of their engines, You are getting 100% WoW housing with all the limitations of their engine. You don’t like your weapon clipping through your mount/cloak/floor? Guess what the inside of your house is going to look like.

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It seems utterly pointless. If I want to watch youtube… I’ll watch youtube. I don’t need to log into wow so I can tunnel YT through that.

Sometimes just because something can be done, doesn’t mean its a good idea to do it.

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*Downsizes WoW and watches YT.

Like I am doing right now.

Sorry, but never gonna happen.

  1. I have never seen a single video screen in Azeroth, much less a “TV”.

  2. AS has been previously stated, it would be the most nighmarish legal hellhole they could possibly jump in to. Even if they were to somehow manage to get a license agreement with YT itself (which is unlikely because point 3), the sheer amount of content on YT, most of it not Pegi-12, would require them to employ more GMs than devellopers just to moderate what can and can´t be seen on the TV, and inevitably something would still slip through, get seen by numerous people´s mother, and lead to a class action lawsuit.

  3. Youtube content creator behaviour would also change for the worse, with #warcraftTV or somehthing along those lines being spammed in every literally single video or short in an attempt to get the views from warcraft players sitting in their “homes”… Youtube /Google would be at best averse to this obviously forseeable change, because it would help degrade theire primary platform.

  4. Microsoft is still a direct competitor to Google on numerous fronts (Bing vs. Google and Windows vs Android being the most obvious ones), and Blizzard is a subsidiary of Microsoft. So MS and by extension WoW firstly has no interest in contributing to Google´s revenue streams, and secondly a collaboration between the 2 even through subsidiaries could well be viewed as a possible violation of existing antitrust laws in numerous countries.

BTW, if you can´t post links directly, please use the “preformatted text” option in teh future… aint nobody go time to manually edit every second character in a link, especially not for numerous links. :beers:

PS: what I could see happening is the abliity to use said not yet existing TV to easily watch all unlocked WoW cinematics in one spot without having to travel through half of the universe to speak to each individual NPC… but not any sort of external content. That would also create a small gameplay loop… wanna watch sargeras stab the planet? Then you either already finished Legion incl Antorus, or you have to go back and do so to unlock it. :wink:

didn’t know about this, thx

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