Wax Contribution Reduction... why?

OK Blizzard, why?

So for those who don’t know, before you would get 10 valorstone for handing in 5 Odd Glob of Wax, to Middles in The Ringing Deeps. This has been a thing since EA, and it now appears Blizzard has nerfed this, without giving an actual real reason.

I thought, “OK, a reduction in valorstones… fine!”

But… guess what??? They’ve now capped the amount of valorstones that you can now receive from handing in the globs of wax. Once you’ve handed in like 50 to 100 (I didn’t keep count), you no longer received valor, but… resonance crystals!

Extremely disappointed in nerfing ways to earn valorstone, which isn’t even a superfast way of doing it, either.


Not so stealth:

  • Turning in wax to Middles in Gundargaz now awards 5 Valorstones (was 10). Additionally, after the first 25 turn-ins per week (on each character), each subsequent wax turn-in will award the player with Resonance Crystals instead.


It’s also at the top of the forum.

Stealth or not its still pretty lame.

They’ve moved it from “doing your drudge work upfront” to “pay as you go drudgery”.


Ah, ok, I should have looked harder for that information.

But still, a stupid nerf. Probably one of the developer didn’t enough time to farm wax :stuck_out_tongue:

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