Way to Implement Self-Found Server

The HC community (including myself) are clamoring for a SF-specific server. The reasons arent trivial: being away from bots, gold sellers, twinks, and getting to play with like-minded people on a level playing field. There is no point in continuing to respond to people who say “dur dur just follow your own restrictions on any existing server in the game!” as they are either trolling or so detached from what makes the idea of SF enjoyable that no meaningful conversation can be had.

A single SF-enforced server would be nearly essential for the intended implementation of SF to be successful, as far as players engaging with it. At the same time, I completely respect what the designers said in an interview, something along the lines of “we want a player to be able to, at any point, decide that SF isnt for them, disable it, and go back to playing regular HC without losing their character.” Totally fair.

A solution: have a SF-specific server and allow each account a single free transfer from that server to one of the regular HC servers. If someone gets to level 20 and decides they hate SF, they have the free option to transfer to Nek’rosh or Stitches, no problem. If they do that AGAIN with a second character, well then thats on them. One free transfer per account. No person should need more than that. You either discover in your first longer-term character that you like it, or you don’t.

This option respects the desire of the game devs to give players the opportunity to flexibly try SF, but also respects the hardcore SF community and its essential need to have a server-wide implementation of the ruleset.