Way too easy

I am sleep walking through the cata zones in a matter of hours. They are way too easy and they still have quite a few bugs still.

Achieve servers are not synched with what goes on ingame. Partials are not visually credited and then all of a sudden you might get the achieves bell, or not at all. Exploartion achieves in particular are bad. No updates to achieve panel despite being in the place since you can see the text change and the dopamine bell rings notifying you…that you are there.

Quests that involve vehicles or character contol taken away tend to bug out. I had quite of a few those bug out on me. Reloading with no addons helps.

I played cata in retail back in 2010. It seems to me that most people, so far, have no idea wht to do, where to go and what targets are priorities. I am now in HC. In HC i expect people to know this . I dont expect you to know the shortcuts that are available. But i will run ahead of the tank that pulled mobs that did not need to get pulled just to show that there are ways aroudn mobs wihtout needing to pull them.

If you are goign to sign up as “leader” and lead, then you should lead and not go dumb through the dungeon and pull all in sight and not even get priority targets as well as not use skips that are available. Just because you are tank and have a star above your head does not make you one.

Leveling zones have never been hard in any incarnation of wow so I am not really sure what you were expecting?


Did you play original cata in 2010? If you did then you would know that this classic version is stupidly simple.

What took me a week in 2010, i did in a little over a day. Dungeons can be beat, i bet, in auto attack mode. Stupidly simple dungeons to the point of boredom and no challenge even for HC.

This is the cata for the mentally challenged.

Yes I did play original cata, All the leveling zones are exactly the same (apart from the couple bugs here and there), and normal dungeons are exactly the same as well. Heroics are in the post-nerf state though, though the pre-nerf state only lasted like a month at most even in original cata before they were nerfed to the state they are in now.

They are not the same. The difference is night and day. I am not the only one who is saying this.

Getting to 85 from 80 took me a whole week. I just did it in a little over one day. I was 80 yesterday. Now 85 and on last zone. Thsi is nothing like 2010 even in its nerfed state.

Tol Barad dalies fully kitted out still took at least 30 min. THis cata has nothing to do with the 2010 version and is only the same in name.

Some tanks intentionally pull everything in the dungeon and not skip etc so they can get more rep per hour while wearing their factions tabard btw.

Fair enough. I had endgame in mind as back then we just ran them for the results. We had the gear that point and just wanted to get the JP/VP. So skip as much trash as possible as it did not matter. It will get to that point on classic cata as welll soon.

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Play retail, it has all the difficulty you want.

Or simply are not familiar with what pack is skippable. People expects tank to lead the way, yet don’t miss a chance to mention how dumb they are when they don’t know every way, shortcut and hidden path of every dungeon 5 day after release.

And of course after they wonder where all the tank have gone. And they rage for their 30 minutes queue time.

This isn’t true

Capped in 10 hours(ish) in cata classic

Capped day one in 2010 Cata (had school during the day so was slower)

Zones feel the same, only difference is the amount of bugs we’ve had this time round.

Only difference I’ve seen is heroics not being hard but they’re in the post nerf state so that makes sense, in regards to leveling though, normals were always easy :person_shrugging:t3:

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The game has shown that the casuals dont want hard difficulty. Which is fine, let them enjoy their casualness (?)

Then the tryhard comes and bashes the casuals for playing on “easy-mode”. But when given the opportunity to increase the difficulty, the tryhards still opt in to go the easy route(like we saw with the buff in ICC).

People have their own choice in how they want to increase the difficulty for themselves, but chose not to, you can play naked, you can play “hardcore”, you can play sub-optimal speccs.
Instead they want to blizzard to force EVERYONE to play on harder difficulty.

I mean, what?

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