Waycrest Manor Dungeon: completely lost there

Spending half an hour just running around with my group, up and down stairs, left, right etc. searching for last two bosses, until we all gave up and just leave the dungeon.
Why implementing such a labyrinth type of dungeons? I really hate dungeons and raids when you need to search a youtube video for a guide how to find a boss (not how to beat them but how to find them lol). Is there a way to blacklist this dungeon when looking for random heroics?

Edit: Why am i shown as lvl 100? I am 120 for at least three days …

It’s not complicated once you get used to it. But I guess anything more than a straight line is a bit to hard these days isn’t it?

It’s one of those dungeons that has no set path, other than what door opens for you at the start determines which way you go.

If you want to show at the right level on the forums the easiest quickest fix is to log out and back in again. The system is slow to catch up itself.

I’ve attached the wowhead guide in case it sheds any light on the routes

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Thx, Punyelf, logging out and back has solved the problem.
And thx for the guide as well :sunny:

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Are you for real o.0

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