Class tree is a mess. We cannot pick up whatever little utility there is in the tree because core talents are 2 pointers or we have useless talents like fel-synergy gatekeeping capstones.
All 3 specs have non-existant boss damage and do not shine in any fight in this raid.
Destro diabolist aoe is being nerfed in 11.0.5 with no compensation. Hellcaller is a joke of a hero talent tuning wise.
Demo cannot compete in this raid because all of its cds are locked behind cast times that disrupt it’s dps timings. Yet the weirdest of talents keep being buffed and have very little impact. Gloomhound is now 1% better than Fire dog so will see no play. Also the right side of demo’s tree is a no go tuning wise. Felstorm is a dps loss ST and demonic strength is just about dps neutral.
Aff is a turret inside cds as Soul Harverster and Hellcaller is so purely tuned it’s non existent.
PVP wise:
Locks defensives have been annihilated whilst melee continue to have high uptime. Destro’s chaosbolts hit for nothing. Demo has to hardcast everything so in popular solo queues brackets its completely unviable.
Diabolist for demo/destro has been neutered because of a beta touch of rancorra bug.
Aff was hitting hard albeit too hard but it only had offensive abilities, defensive wise it’s paper.
Please we are not asking to be top in everything, it is tiring when we are struggling to push from just about viable to low mid in the content that matters. We see specs like FDK/Enhance/Arcane powering through everything and yet we are being maintained at the low-mid and continually see specs above us recieve buffs (shadow priests and fire mages as an example).
A lot of our utility is largely outdated and doesn’t really account for how much more mobile many other classes are. Our teleports and gateways are easily countered and burning rush is a double edged sword with the damage it deals.
I’m very close to just giving up and playing a mage instead.
Not to mention a technical state of the class.
The share amount of bugs is just mindblowing.
Some big bugs like AI of Diabolist demons was pointed out and fixed after the release of the game, but for fel sake the soul leech is still bugged, the big number of demons that deal single target damage and all single target damage spells from Hero talents doesn’t provide shields for soul leech.
Soul leech bugs alone proves that blizzard doesn’t test warlocks outside of DPS dummy, because if they played lock even for a second outside of dummy they would have seen that soul leech is not generated.
For Gateways or Circle blizz could implement a simple fix.
Gateways - after the using gateways Warlock cannot be gripped, knocked back, rooted or slowed and cannot be charted at. Blizz should allow Warlocks to use gateways with the flag.
Circle, makes warlock invisible for 3 seconds after using Demonic circle teleport.
Interesting idea.
I also kinda wish kill’roggs eye made you see stealthed/invisible target too, maybe giving it some sort of eye beam attack could be neat.
this is what I thought for some time, an invulnerability after teleport and gateway of 2/3 seconds during which the warlock enters the Twisting Nether momentarily
Or like you place it, eye flows high above ground and start to scan the area around it.
To be honest there is so many ways how Eye of Kil’rogg could be improved.