We finally met!

Ahh Retri is just jealous, he never got over the rejection of Harlan Sweete not returning his calls.


stop talking about me and get a

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Oh wow!!

Love it!!!

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Get a what? A caramel smashed into my forehead? A questionable piece of processed meat on a bun? A subscription to “Ashvane Docks Reader’s Wives?” A large vial of freshly squeezed love juice made from fresh ingredients gathered from the GM island?


Awwwww… Poor guy, you have such an unique problem.
Don’t mind them! They just can’t relate to your issue!

A burnt hot dog on a boat with 10000 bombs around it

oh be nice to him. it’s not always easy to articulate your feelings when you get frustrated by bullying.

i’m always nice to him. Only last week I sent him a lovely letter and 100k gold. I assume he didn’t get it?!

Damn postmaster…


I don’t know why, but this one made me blush.

I am curious, how does those GM produce that love juice - could it be possible to give me a report on that, maybe with pictures? :eyes:

For scientific studies of course :blush:

Thaumaturge Vashreen loses a 100,000 but makes sure you receive that gray item, Classic move.

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Do we really wanna know? :sweat_smile: Moe and Flynn is going there on honeymoon, maybe they can do resesrch :face_with_monocle:


Yes and no - it has the feel of sticking your hand into a box and touch something creepy… You want to, and your fear it a lot too :smile:

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