We finally met!

Poor Anduin though, he’d have to choose between either Wrathion, Moe or Baine.

It is a tough choice :pleading_face:

I was so into Môe/Anduin, it felt like I was the one breaking up :cry:

I guess I have to move on - I am so pleased a lot of weird people have made a lot of steamy fan fictions with Anduin and Wrathion, or I would have to burn my computer and delete my acc in rage and tears :face_with_monocle:

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Bruuuuuuh. Someone had a good time. Reminds me younger days with Chen in pandaria.

Pandaria tavern music haunts me ever since.

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Dont worry, i have special plans for Wrathion and Anduin (and me ofcourse). Just have to get Wrathion to stop ignoring my /flirts whenever i see him…

:dancer: :dancer: :partying_face: :dancer: :dancer:

He is a tough one - But I believe in you, I know you can do it :+1:


No place quite like the Pandaria tavern.


I’d like to say I’m not jealous, but I’m jealous.

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Hi Jealous, nice to meet you. I’m Moe :sunglasses:


MOOTHILDA!!! I’ve missed you buddy!!

puts on milking gloves

So where did you go for your holidays? Anywhere nice?

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We’re all a little jealous, Moe does look exceptionally good right?!



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Not as good as me apparently, he keeps complimenting me.

runs hands through hair Can’t say I blame him.


You changed your hair! Looking good :star_struck:

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You lucky bastard, it’s a hot screenie!

Thanks for noticing :slight_smile:

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You look stunning as always Drae :kissing_heart: not at Moe’s level, but close enough :hugs:


The true question is : Who won between Môe and Flynn on Hearthstone :smile: ?

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Moe of course :wink:.

*This is Moothildas Voice Mail; I am currently not here - please leave a message after the Moo *

I have been looking at flyswatters to keep you at a distance with those gloves :unamused:


not if brave heroes of the mighty horde kill filthy human flynn first <3