We got it! Alpacas are on PTR


Alpaca my mounts and only use this one :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Well, whether through intentional bias or coincidence Horde players have consistently had better racials for a long time and gotten more of what theyā€™ve asked for than Alliance players ;p

Just look at how quickly the Hall of Fame is filled up on the Horde side vs the Alliance side for exampleā€¦

Though personally I couldnā€™t care less about that bee, I imagine it was decided as a kind of ā€œband-aidā€ to the Alliance side.

Yet no one batted an eyelid when the Alliance racial was strong for M+ and all teams were Nelves for the MDI.

Being the operative words? Meaning in a past tense?

Yes Mythic plus has different affixes. When Reaping was the affix you got at +10 and over, the Nelf racial was very strong.

To counter that and rogues they introduced Emissaries this season.

To counter rogues further we are getting an affix that allows you to skip without one next season.

Iā€™m not talking about specific affixesā€¦

Iā€™m talking about almost every serious raiding guild bleeding over to the Horde over a decadeā€¦ Simply because their racials give you that edgeā€¦
Then you have most of the big streamers playing Horde as a result of it, then their followers are more likely to pick Horde as a result and itā€™s a problem that keeps making itself worse over timeā€¦

Thatā€™s what Iā€™m talking aboutā€¦ What counters the different affixes will change over time on its ownā€¦

If it was even, the Hall of Fames would be completed around the same time. Not one side filling it ages before the other.

Not saying the only reason is the racials, but itā€™s part of itā€¦

I donā€™t think anyone is in doubt that the Alliance take forever to fill up their side of the Hall of Fame.

The bulk of the player base does not gain the make or break out of their racials. There are only a limited number of players who can benefit from that less 1% benefit. We are talking the top percentile of players.

The average Joe Bloggs playing his Worgen or Blood Elf isnā€™t going to notice any difference in comparison to whatever is deemed the FOTM. The gear that the top guilds on both sides kill the end raid boss in is low compared to those that follow throughout the expansion.

Personally Iā€™ve never wanted to play Alliance. No high end player team has ever swayed me with my choice.

There was much call of Alliance bias when I started playing. But to a certain extent I think itā€™s more a case of the grass is always greener.

Not you perhaps, but itā€™s a fact that new players who were introduced to the game are more likely to pick the same faction as who they were influenced by.

I would have agreed with you, if the factions were evenly matchedā€¦ They are notā€¦
It used to be even, way, way backā€¦ But itā€™s gradually become more and more uneven over the years.

I think one reason is which races are playable, another is the racials influencing the top tier players who in turn influence others and lastly the storytelling.
The Alliance is more often than not, the side that just reacts to whatever it is the Horde is doing.

I am probably just old . I have zero interest in Twitch or watching anyone else play a game in general, at any level on any platform (twitch, youtube, mixer, facebook, discord etc).

Yes those top end players are amazing but Iā€™m never going to be playing like that. I have never based any choice on what other people like to do. I have the greatest respect for high end players and what they can do and what they achieve.

However I can see that some would just want to emulate what theyā€™ve seen if they are that way inclined. People are all different.

Many feel like you do, but the truth is that people are impressionableā€¦ People are easily influenced by what they see, and especially from people they look up to/follow or their friendsā€¦

And, in my opinion, what the Factions are given doesnā€™t helpā€¦

Vulpera are objectively better than Mechagnomes, even if Iā€™m completely uninterested in both of them.
Vulpera are somewhat unique, sure they are built on the Goblin skeleton but they look nothing like themā€¦
Mechagnomes are just Gnomes with metal arms and legs, and are actually harder to transmog because they canā€™t transmog arms/legsā€¦

Horde asked for Brown orcs since TBC, and what were they given recently? Brown orcs.
And not just brown ones, brown ones with/without tattoos, black ones, gray ones, gray ones with/without piercingsā€¦ A whole host of orcsā€¦
Iā€™m not saying they shouldnā€™t have gotten them, the Magā€™har are really coolā€¦

But the Alliance counterpart was a dwarfā€¦ Sure itā€™s a cool dwarf, but itā€™s just that one kind of dwarfā€¦

The Horde got the Zandalari, which many have wantedā€¦
The Alliance got Kul Tirans, which a few people find cool, and thatā€™s good for them. Iā€™m happy those who like the Kul Tirans get to play them, I really am.
But most people donā€™t care much for them, which is why we got the ā€œFat Humanā€ jokes that flourished after they were made playableā€¦

Just feels like the Alliance has gotten the short end of the stick on almost every Allied raceā€¦
Though I will agree that even though the Nightborne have a more unique model compared to the Void Elves, it really doesnā€™t look very goodā€¦
The Lightforged and Highmountain are just slight variations, so they are both equally ā€œunimpressiveā€ Iā€™d sayā€¦

But we got a bee I guessā€¦

PS: Donā€™t get me wrongā€¦ I play both factions, but Iā€™d still like to see them be somewhat more even, if they insist on keeping the Factions separateā€¦

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The Zandalari are still only a tiny proportion of the playerbase though. Vulpera arenā€™t going to be the make or break of the Alliance. When they introduced the Void Elves there were lots of doom merchants foretelling the end of the Horde because of a Race choice. Of course that never came to pass because itā€™s just not something that sways the bulk of the player base. They are the most popular Allied race though. But I think weā€™ve had that discussion. Or itā€™s been on the forums several times with all these discussions

Taking all 120s

2.1% are Zandalari Trolls
3.2% are Void Elves

Taking all 120s of the relevant Faction

3.8% are Zandalari Trolls
7% are Void Elves

why you people like alpacas so much ?

Of course allied races on its own wonā€™t make or break either factionā€¦ Iā€™m pointing out that I donā€™t think itā€™s one thing that has made the Horde the ā€œbetterā€ optionā€¦

But lots of little onesā€¦

I donā€™t agree but we wont on this :wink:

Whatā€™s your reasoning for the Horde being the more popular choice as well as dominating completely in Hall of Fame then?

Iā€™d think itā€™s unlikely to be coincidence considering the number of peopleā€¦

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Because they are more cute than cats?

Waiting for those:

Gotta catch em all!


PS: why canā€™t I insert links in the comments? :piangere:

Cause u need to grind your trust lvl first!

I think that the swaying of the population happened in 2 phases between the horde and alliance.

Once in tbc (people were massivly towards alliance cause prettier races) we got belfs and it balanced everything and then from legion when the Human racial got nerfed. And to be able to participate in pvp you didnā€™t need to be alliance. Before that you needed to be human or you didnā€™t play pvp which wasnā€™t the case for pve you could do high end raiding as alliance. When they nerfed EMFH it opened the way for people to play what they like. I believe generally speaking people are more inclined to play horde we got pretty races/interesting races. Alot of options no reasonable advantage in pve or pvp.
ALso this by itself shouldnā€™t mean letā€™s catter to the alliance and give them exclusive currently alliance has the bee mount completly unique and unusable by the other faction while kuaā€™fon and the direhorn are usable on alliance. This is blatant Alliance bias you canā€™t shove it any way.
I would be so happy if alpacas are exclusive to horde and alliance never gets to touch them to balance things out but it seems alliance needs to be cattered more and more just cause people donā€™t like being blue but need incentive.