We got it! Alpacas are on PTR

Explain better please :nerd_face:

Its all explained in this topic :slight_smile: The Ultimate Forum Guide (Codes, Trust Levels, FAQ)

Missed a trick with making them boring colors tbh. Would have liked some pastel colours pink, blue and purple

Have you even seen pink alpaca? They colors are brown, grey, white and black.

have you ever seen a brown, grey, white and black alpaca with a cow riding on its back…


I hope that alliance will never get this, and they will get worst allied races.

What do you call Alpacas taking over the world of warcraft?

The Alpacalypse. :llama::llama:

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maaaaan why do people care?! even if u find them cute they still gone be locked behind a HUGE rep grind probably xD

I think you just figured the name of the next expansion! I mean people have been asking another cata style world rewamp…


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