We have simplified talent trees but


Personally I prefer getting a big talent every 5 levels instead of 5 insignificant talents every level, and I don’t really understand why anyone would want that to be the case again. But, if you do, then there are ways for you reexperience that without ruining it for people who enjoy the new version of the game.

No it did not. Everyone went for the same thing. I even remember being laughed at for not picking certain talents because I wanted different ones. As I’m saying, illusion of choice. At least now there are a few viable builds per spec, and build variety depending on the situation.

People will always copy-paste talents. Why not leave the more-fun version in for the people who play games for fun?

That’s just wrong.

3/7s. Getting an absolutely useless talent every 5 level for 15 levels doesn’t feel good in any way, shape or form.

No, no they didn’t. You are just flat-out wrong on this one.

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Well then you should tell such people to get lost.

As Discipline in Northrend I had about 5-7 points free I spent on my own personal taste stuff, I ignored the guides telling me to pick different things as I wanted those. Like the passive resistance to spell knockback as I liked being able to heal freely in dungeons if I got a bad tank and despite it being “useless” I took that with me when I raided and no one complained.

And if you did you were gimped… only a few classes could go hybrid and not suffer and then you want the hybrid classes to get minus DPS again due to them not being pure dps right?

Talent trees suck then as they do now, need a rework or revamp. Bring back a 15year old system isn’t going to help or fix anything they where boring and why they where removed.

Also your account age seems you didn’t play back in the day :stuck_out_tongue:

Having more icons you can click on doesn’t automatically translate to more “build diversity”. A lot of those talents were filler, yet some you were forced to take in order to go deeper into the tree because of the 5 point per tier requirement. Having 2-3 points to burn on things like “reduces mana cost of seals” and “reduced duration of fear and disorient” doesn’t create two different builds here.

Ignore the nay sayers saying: ‘Oh all the meta specs were the same’ and ‘Wow, 5 points for 5 crit’…

I was able to tank Karazhan in original TBC as a shaman thanks to the talent tree being malleable. I gathered up my 490 defense required and tanked multiple raid bosses as the off tank.

Doesn’t matter that I couldn’t go further than tier 4 with that. It was incredibly fun. More fun than the last 10 years of World of Warcraft combined.

It would be amazing if Blizzard implemented the complex talent trees again but developed them even further to allow even more choices. There will always be meta but the fun is always found off the beaten track. You can quote me on that last sentence by the way.


I don’t miss anything about the old talent trees. They were inflexible cookie cutter builds that were a nightmare to change anything on.

I far prefer the flexibility we currently have being able to chop and change depending on what content I’m doing.


See, this is the type of player that has ruined modern World of Warcraft. Unable to think for themselves and always thinking about the meta when it doesn’t matter about the meta, it matters about what is fun and achieveable with the tools you have available to you.

See the post above his for what I managed to achieve with the tools available to me in Burning Crusade (before they ruined the game in Wrath of the Lich King).


I am the type of player that accepts that different people like different things, without needing to go on the attack.


could always get the best of both worlds with talent trees that can be changed for free in rested zones, just like the current ones?
maybe even have a bit of both, talent trees and some special choices based on “spec”

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The worst part was re-talenting, because you couldn’t just pick the new bits you wanted to undo and then redo, it was just go see the trainer and the whole thing was blank again. To be honest, even if they changed them old trees to work more like the current flexibility it’s still not really practical. They are too big and outdated. The old tree isn’t really made to be swapped around freely. You’re meant to make a choice and stick with it until a better build comes along.

I would love the current system to have an extra row or two, I really miss the talent row that gave us mobility for example. I used to get a choice between three different means, now I get take cavalier vs two defensives. It’s not quite the same and I really miss the talent that gave me movement speed upon using jugement.

I think there will always be things from older expansions we remember fondly. For me the benefit to be able to change depending on what content I’m doing far outweighs the old system. I can swap depending if I’m doing PvP or PvE, whether I need AoE or ST etc etc. It just takes a tome or a rested area.


No, you were able to tank Karazhan because of what talents provided, not how they were arranged. It was a matter of content, not STRUCTURE.

You’re telling me that if you get talents that increase your amour, dodge chance, block chance, block value in the current talent tree you can’t tank heroic raids or first mythic bosses?

Enhancement was designed with a tank support back then, now it’s a pure DPS built, it’s a design choice, not an interface issue.

This is the mentality behind removing choice from the game. Just because the people who pursue the endgame go for certain builds that is no reason to remove choice. If they all want to have homogenous builds - let them. Also those who want to have more experimental builds, who just pursue doing world content and low-tier endgame should be free to have their experimental builds.

Your inability to have a spine is the reason why we now have an objectively more boring talent system.

WoW is not just about the endgame. In fact, I’d argue the majority of players are not interested in hardcore endgame. They want to do a +10 or a +15 and maybe clear the raid on normal. If that. Blizz has talked plenty about low endgame engagement numbers before and how nobody raids anymore.

What I mean to say is that yours is not an argument. It is in fact an anti-argument and the main reason why WoW has been going downhill.

The current system is actually for children. It also limits Blizzard’s ability to expand it. Where in the old one, just adding a new talent somewhere can have a ripple effect through the entire build, now a new talent is merely a 1 out of 3 choice. It cannot have a ripple effect, because the current system does not allow for proper talent synergy and doesn’t involve any interesting choice. It’s stupid. Blizz might as well just remove talents and the game in its current state would actually be better. Make WoW classes like MOBA characters.


Trees somewhat let you be liberal with the builds you made. But liberal in what area of playing? Healing talents on a Retribution Paladin might help in world content, but outside of that, especially in today’s endgame where DPS checks are so prevalent, would that help?

Remember when we had to deviate an entire tree branch just to get On a Pale Horse as Death Knights?

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Blizz has talked about how the majority of players don’t care about endgame and in fact it’s rather hard to get them engaged. Let players play the way they want. Those who want to be top will pick top builds. Let someone who just wants to pick herbs and prance around have a weird and messed up build.

I still think Diablo 2 LoD 1.10 is the greatest implementation of talent trees ever made in any game at all. The synergies they added in 1.10 put the talent tree above and beyond anything in existence. Blizz should just copy the policy from their old game and WoW will be perfect.

I totally dislike this new talent tree. FIrst I hate the idea of having to constantly swap based on encounter. In old tree, you chose one role and you were essentially fine. Other thing I hate is how my class is now divided into 3 mini classes. I loved the idea of having full access to my class and talent just made me better at X thing. You were plate class and tank died, you could pick up and save the day. Now if your tank dies, don’t even bother.

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Ok your taking about WoLTK DK’s aren’t you, hate to break it to you they where OP in all specs and all specs could be tanks lol… That’s why " you could pick up and save the day" no other reason.

You guys do realize that the current Talent Tree and Covenant will offer more variation and options and more importantly more freedom than the Classic Talent Tree ever did.

In Classic you just couldnt swap spec for free it was rather expensive so your options was limited ontop of that those talent trees 99.9% of people just went to a site and checked what route they should take and was done with it and most of the time the route was pretty obvious.

You couldnt respec talents fight for fight it would be too expensive all though there was better builds for both AoE/Single target back than aswell. But you want that but Covenants is a big no since you cannot be optimal for everything for free at all times.

Don’t you hear how wrong it sounds.

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It just gives you the illusion of a choice like in Path of Exile, you have a gigantic tree of talents to pick from, most of them are however flat stat fillers.

Considering it’s size people will look up the best builds as randomly picking talents will yield you a vastly ineffective build in end-game systems.

Yes, as I stated before, some people will always be inclined to run copy-paste talent builds. But to that kind of player, the talent system is absolutely irrelevant in the first place, because they aren’t really interacting with it anyway. But to a player who plays the game for fun, and who hand-picked their talents based on what they liked, the old talent trees made an enormous difference, and was an endless source of fun.

I’ve not heard of anyone picking their talents at random, unless they for whatever reason didn’t understand what any of them did. And non-meta talent builds were far from useless or ‘vastly ineffective’ as you say. They might have even been better if it suited the player more.

And saying it gave ‘an illusion of choice’ is just flat-out wrong. As an example, back in the day most people considered Blood DK as the meta for tanking, but plenty preferred one-hander Frost. Then there were those who preferred two-hander Frost. I’ve seen people tank as Unholy. I personally liked my one-hander Frost-Blood hybrid the most. And while I’ve heard of Frost-Unholy tanks, they didn’t seem to catch on very much, but I have no doubt they could do it.

That’s 6 vastly different tanking specs that a single class had available to it. Do you know what Tank DKs have available to them now? Blood.

Oh and don’t you badmouth the flat-stat fillers. Some of them were my favourite and not everyone always went for 5/5 or whatever the case may be.