Why would i yell to tanks? There are so few of them already.
Personally i don’t mind people who are new and or try to do their best same goes for any role.
Why would i yell to tanks? There are so few of them already.
Personally i don’t mind people who are new and or try to do their best same goes for any role.
Exactly my thoughts, and then we would stop tanking keys either way once we are full BIS
evasion tank
the thing is real
Yeah, Uda, I honestly have no idea what you’re trying to say there. They play ret because they like how ret plays? How does this contradict – or even connect to – anything that was discussed in this thread before, I just fail to grasp.
I guess, you find it to too strange or unusual that some people might really commit to a character or a class instead of a PvE role? Because, well, this is exactly the argument. Some hardcore rogue fans might love ambushes and cheap shots and some might love stealth mechanics, class’ tier set appearances, or their personal relationship with a particular rogue character that they’ve developed over twenty years of playing it. The first group would probably ignore a fourth rogue tank spec entirely if Blizzard suddenly threw it to them, but the second – nah, I can easily imagine them approaching the new thing with open minds and even gratitude, and, who knows, some might even like it.
Like they do in SoD.
The same is going on with shaman mains asking for their own tanking spec. I know it is because the very same is also going with me and healing role. Me, I love healing on my alts but I also hate playing alts: I just grew on my double jumps and my silly horns. So, I stick to tanking and to DPS because I’m cool with whatever role, which doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t instantly switch to healing/support on my DH if I was able to.
The two differences between me and shammies are that, first, DHs won’t become healers like ever as it would be rather unfitting if they would, although there’re precisely zero reasons why shamans – a shield-wielding class that can become literal rocks – can’t have their fourth tank spec. The second difference is that DHs were never supposed to heal, and I always knew that, but shamans were expected to tank early in their development…
You are missinterpreting me by a lot.
This whole post is about people that play specs that dont have a tank roll. Like shamans and rogues.
And the whole argument is: give everyone a tank spec and more people will tank.
My answer to that is: NO. More people wont tank. Because people are committed to their roll (as you correctly say). Like all those rets. That could tank, but dont.
Therefore, if shamans had a tank spec, they would behave just like the rets: being able to tank, but committed to their spec/roll.
Therefore… Tank population will not increase. And i dont make this up. It happened already 6 times in wow’s history. And we still got a lack of tanks.
If you want to fix tank population issues in M+, other things must be done. Like making the tanking roll more appealing to people. Specifically, maybe some DDs are interested in giving tanking a shot.
That’s also not entirely true. WW has channeling abilities and even a unique in game (as far as I know) that locks them in place for the animation. People still play them, and they have been meta for a few seasons.
The thing is caster tank can work with proper design. It wouldn’t be a magic fix though, it’s not easy to solve tank shortage. It has existed in the game as long as I play it, while tanking has changed allot over the years.
WW monk you mean ? 1 skill that nobody talents dosent count as representative. There are more melee specs, and 99.9% the skills they use are instant cast.
Also… meta a few seasons ?
Which ones? Not since DF.
Sure. With good design anything is possible.
But Blizzard is incapable of balancing Stagger from BM Monks properly. Not to mention the general state of tanking people complain about.
I simply dont trust them to do this. IMO they first have to fix the current 6 tanks. Then we can talk about being creative with new stuff.
Its my opinion atleast.
I never said it was a good - or even feasible - idea to give casters a tank spec, I said Caster≠Ranged therefore giving a caster a tank spec doesn’t automatically mean you’d have to make a ranged tank.
And you can disagree all you want, doesn’t make me wrong.
It dosent make you wrong. If you think a caster tank is cool i can roll with that.
I just think its not the right time. As OP suggests.
Blizzard got their hands full fixing the 6 existing tank specs:
That is my opinion.
I think you misunderstood. The channeling abilities are baseline. Spinning crane and fists of fury. Brew also has and uses spinning crane.
The ability that roots you in place is called whirling dragon punch and has been one of the best abilities the spec has both in st and aoe over many years so it’s always talented.
These abilities have been there when ww was meta and that’s all that matters. If they get buffed to meta level they will be again. What I meant is that their mechanics don’t prevent them being meta.
I think you mean crackling jade lightning which is also baseline and not used in the rotation but can be buffed and used for damage through talents. This is the one not used by ww but it’s used by mw now which also play melee.
Anyway I do agree that good balance and keeping distinct playstyles/mechanics between existing tanks should be the top priority.
You believe it won’t, I am certain it will! Albeit, I admit, just a tiny little bit – there aren’t a lot of folk like OP.
I don’t find your line of arumentation profoundly convincing for the reasons already laid out multiple of times, but, at the same time, I can clearly see where you’re coming from. And as proceeding with this argument would mean repeating ourselves even more, let’s just agree to disagree!
It dosent root you in place. It has an animation in which you cannot move out of stuff… And you have to do strange things like this :
To not die. Which kind of proves my point. Casting stuff and roots at melee range is a thing that kills many melees. And that is why out of 13 melee DD specs you can only name ONE spell with those characteristics.
If I were to name all the spells with those characteristics a ranged DPS can do the list becomes too big to fit in this post. And its not a coincidence.
Also, fist of fury and SP has 8 yard range. And are AoE spells (a cone in-front of you and a zone around you respectively). They are not strictly melee abilities that require you to be in contact with the hit-box of the mob.
Lets compare that with an iconic “Mortal Strike” and see what the tooltip sais:
It sais “melee range”. That is what it sais. And that is what 99.9% of abilities say…
So as with Dragon Punch, out of 13 specs you can only name TWO that are channeled. Both of which are technically ranged skills, not melee.
In conclusion: I understood you perfectly well. But you dont seem to understand me…
For melee specs, there is a reason why “melee” abilities are instant. And casted abilities have a range built into them. As you have seen.
So if you want to make a whole spec that casts stuff… then all of those abilities need an 8 yard range built into them. Otherwise they will die, or do really low DPS because of low uptime.
But if you do that, your spec is not a melee spec anymore. Its a ranged spec. Like a mage. But with 8 yard range instead of 40. And if you do a spec like that, you will end up in the crappy situation all Evokers are. They are all complaining that the restrictions on the range limit their performance, and force them to deal with all the melee mechanics… something a mage in Narnia dosent. Go to the Evoker forums. There is a post about this every day.
So again. Do you see the paradox here ?
Also: For the record, I am not against new specs. All I am saying is that there are limitations in this game that cannot be overcome. Because the Melee situation is caused by geometry. And there is nothing blizzard can do to change that.
So if you ask for new things, you have to at a minimum be realistic about what you ask. That is all I am saying.
I dont beleive anything.
The game used to have only ONE tank spec (Prot Warrior). Today there are 6.
2 times they re-worked Paladins and Druids to make them viable tanks (because in Vanilla it was more decoration than anything else) which counts as “adding a new tank spec” to an existing class. 3 times they added a brand new class : DK, Monk and DH…
And here we are… With the worst tank shortage we have seen in years.
Therefore, its not my “opinion”. Its an observation.
You can find my argumentation lacking. But it works. 5 times. Meanwhile, those that swear that more tanks will play… well… that argumentation is based on pure copium. Nothing else.
What more convincing do you need?
Feral Druid and Protection Paladin would like a word…
Feral was a viable OT in Vanilla for all raids, and did just fine in dungeons.
On very specific and niche fights. In fact, in TBC there was one boss in Grull’s Lair that required a warlock tank. But that dosent make warlocks viable tanks.
“Fine in dungeons” is overrated. Compared to a Prot Warrior doing the same dungeon… NO…
That is like saying my hunter pet can tank stuff. Which was possible to do in certain dungeons. Therefore, hunters are viable tanks.
Plus, dungeons used to be the pre-raid gearing content. Those dont count. Sadly, the only “end-game” content in Vanilla were the raids.
Gruul, talk about a throwback
Don’t really agree though.
Never struggled with Feral tanking in Vanilla/Classic, and clearing stuff just fine.
Sure, it’s not like playing a protection warrior, but it’s not impossible either.
Vanilla was weird.
But if you were to compare it to today, a feral druid of vanilla would be the equivalent of a modern feral druid of today (melee DPS spec, not a GDruid) in Bear form tanking things.
Its technically possible. It might even be fun to do. But don’t expect to time anything more than a +2 or a +4. Assuming you are over-geared and the healer is ready to spam heals on you.
It wasent a problem in Vanilla because there were no “levels” beyond that. But if there were, a Druid and a Paladin were not even close to the level of performance of a Prot Warrior.
Because Prot Warriors were the only real tank. Palas and Druids were supposed to be this hybrid DPS/Tank/healer experiment. Where they were not good DPS or good tanks. But could do both more or less and offheal.
To tank Dire Maul yes sure.
To tank MC or BWL it was already a nightmare as you were just crushed by basically everything, only Prot Warrior was able to survive thanks to shield block uptime.
The difference you could see with BC for Guardian Druid (which was feral all in) was incredible in terms of being able to survive in raid tanking.
Gruul and Maulgar at the beginning of the expac were no joke bosses as well. Tanks health bar were doing the yoyo constantly. I remember having to spec my RDrood in such a way with a mix of balance and restau because of the lack of Hpal in our raid group (the old times with spell deranking and sleeping mana pot (can’t recall the real name).
consider yourself lucky
i would give everything for a rogue evasion tank
I know, I tanked them…as feral