We might need to have have the tank role added to every class at this point

It’s not even purely a DPS issue though, while dps worms add to the stress of healing/tanking we have a lot more unavoidable damage in keys than in prime m+

The problem is not the number of specs. The problem is the game balance.
Tanking is punishing and unrewarding atm.


No fix the existing tanks first, add another tank spec to Demon Hunter and fix their current tank spec.
Fix brewmaster monk issues, its supose to be very mobile versatile tank
Adress all other tank class issues to including those of prot paladin by that i mean the consecration bug for example, however focus from the bottom first, and make tanking fun again, right now its frustating and probably more so for off meta.

My guy, they haven’t been able to properly balance Brewmaster (or keep it up on par with other tanks) like ever. Nor have they figured out what they want vDH to be (power fantasy wise) yet.

What makes you think they could possibly handle every class with a tank spec? :sweat_smile:

Then completely redesign it to a point they can actually fix it once and for all something many classes have gone thru multiple times already, not sure how often brewmaster gone thru this probably a lot less then other classes.

I’ll die on the hill that Aug should have been a tank.
Brewmaster is left out in the rain for like 5-6 years now, which brings me to the next problem: We can have all the tank specs in the world, if only a couple of them viable we are back to square one.


I wish they could but with their track record with monk, and its specs in general, they’ve never been able to.

It’s not even funny. :weary:

If everything is better then leaving brewmaster in current state then perhaps its time for redesign.

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While adding tank role to every class will not solve the issue, it may slightly alleviate it. I am one of the very few who would like to play tank as my main character (this shaman)

We all all our own ideas of how to “solve” the issue, but I am against any that dilutes the trinity and promotes the idea of “I am playing with 4 NPCs with whom I don’t interact”.

I was preparing a whole wall of text, but it became a rant midway so I deleted it.


But why they wont tank in Delves either?
People 5 manning the lvl 8 Delves are so desperate that even a fresh lvl 80 tank with is instantly invited to lvl 8 Delves. (I tanked on my fresh 80 paladin and warrior just fine) They are almost impossible to go wrong even at +8

Same, i still wouldnt play the tank spec though.

This. Anything wouldve been better than what they did though, even a second healspec.

I would only play it in the outdoor world unless the dps was more survivable or it was a horrible spec like warrior prot/brewmaster shudder

Not even on trivial difficulties? not talking about M+ here.

Maybe? Even then only with a full group of friends, never with even 1 pug in there. So in the end nothing changes.

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Is there some organized boycott on playing tanks?
Because otherwise at least for Delves it is a very easy and good time where your 540 ilvl tank gets treated like a must have rare pokemon by groups with heroic raid geared dpsers.

What sparked the creation of this topic was my attempt to do some heroic dungeons for Valorstones while queued as a healer. I did not expect almost 30 mins of waiting for the tank slot.

Ask blizzard what they did to tanks going into TWW, together with the dungeon changes and the relying on the healer never losing your partyframe out of sight, and then you will come to the conclusion the answer is Yes on your question.

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I dont know, its just not a role i enjoy playing.

I see
Personally I go for the path of least resistance where I account waiting as resistance as well.

And next patch they nerf retri’s grp healing to the ground… who would have thought that after implementing a mana req last xpac , they would go on and xut the legs off completely.

I guess its alot more work for the healers next xpac.

Thats a valid path to take and i do it as well sometimes, but by picking the healer role.