Just farm M+, get Myth track gear and walk in there with 636 gear.
It might sound a bit pedantic to say that. But its what people do in this game. I farmed delves the first weeks for the easy Hero gear. Others farm M+ for the Raids. Others farm the Raid for M+…
Its what you need to do to progress through harder content. And by hard I dont mean technically hard. I mean hard for YOU. Ilvl overcomes that. Its the same for every one of us.
Thanks for the suggestion
But I rather wipe 100 times on Zevkir ?? now till I perfect it than to do M+ even as a dps (unless it is with the guild, I will poke around).
Bro, I’m really tired of people claiming that pugs are some sort of 2011 CoD lobby. They’re not. Most of the time, people don’t talk in TW, Normal, HC dungeons at all because it’s not necessary.
As long as you keep reasonable pace as a tank, you’re gonna be fine.
To be fair that is only partly true. I started playing in tbc and pala is the reason I got into tanking. Warr was the first class I created but I ended up deleting the char after a few levels because I didn’t like it. I have tried all tanks over the years but I stick to pala and monk.
It’s reasonable to think that people that like different mechanics like casters for example would be inclined to tank if there was a caster tank. But it’s of course speculations.
On the other hand I don’t play specs I don’t enjoy just because I play that class. For example my shaman is just enh, dk just unholy, pala is never holy etc.
So although I am a person that both tanks and heals (not so much healing though) I don’t do it on all the classes that I play, only on those I enjoy the specs.
What I mean is that there is a possibility that many rets just play it because they enjoy ret while disliking prot.
I have heard this topic a lot. And you, as a tank know its impossible to be a caster tank.
That would imply caster MOBS. Today, if you pull a pack, they will walk next to you to hit you with white hits. How would that work with a caster tank?
To make this work, you would need to have packs that don’t do any white hits. They simply sit there at range.
You cant make this a reality. It might work for some packs in M+, but what about bosses ? And then… you got tanks that require to be at melee range. If you implement caster tanks, what do you do with the other melee tanks ? How would balance encounters with the plethora of tanks ?
You, as a tank, should know that re-designing PvE encounters from the ground up to accommodate caster tanks is not feasible.
And that is why caster tanks will never exist. And its not speculation. Its common sense.
Fair enough. But then I could say the same for rogues for example. People play rogues cause they like to DD. And will continue to do so.
So if you implement a “rogue tank” most of the people will keep doing DD. As you do with your healers.
You simply dont like to heal. And if they did a “healer DK” you still would not heal. And that is OK.
So the only way to convince you to heal is to change the healer roll such that you remove all the things you dont like. Then and only then you might consider switching your Enh to Resto.
a caster tank doesn’t equal “stand at range and tank” playstyle. That’s just the twisted misconception when we read the word(s) "caster/ranged. It’s simply a wizard/mage, or archer/ranger/mechanic archetype in a tank role. The “new” leaked battle-mage “class” could very well be a tank spec for mages, for instance.
Sorcerer, Necromancer or Warden (hell, even Dragon knight) from ESO are great examples of “caster” tanks.
Why would a caster need ranged mobs? They have already implemented no pushback on casting as a voidelf racial. A caster tank could theoretically stand there casting facetanking through magical shields. They had also tried a tankish glyph on demo locks -I think during mop- with increased armor and threat but it didn’t evolve into something.
I do play healer but with my monk. It’s just that I don’t do it often as I like all specs on monk currently. I also used to heal on my pala during tbc and wotlk as an off spec (prot being ms). I just don’t like the current playstyle with holy power as a healer.
So that implies the existence of a “caster” melee DPS then ?
TLDR: That dosent exist.
Caster and Ranged a term that is used interchangeably to describe someone that “stands in range”.
What is a “caster healer” or a “melee healer” mean then ? ALL healers “cast things”. But some sit at melee range (monk + holy Pala) and some sit in Narnia (all the others). Hence… you define “caster healers” and “melee healers”. And same thing for DD rolls. Some are casters (ranged) and some are melee.
But this distinction makes no sense in the case of tanks. All tanks will sit at melee range. Even your hypothesized mage tanks. Those wont be “caster tanks”. They will be “melee tanks”. Like all the rest.
Feel free to look up old ESO videos of “full melee warden healer”.
They indeed healed by dual wielding swords, daggers or maces… and were in FULL DPS gear setups. Smacked mobs to death and leeched insane heals to their group. In both 5 man content and trials.
If you go outside the WoW trinity all roles are possible. DnD sure like to advocate all sorts of roles in all sort of archetypes. Tank Cleric isn’t new. Healer Wizards aren’t either.
Blizzard sure pulls a lot of stuff from other franchise.
I did a few attempts on him and got him down to 7%. I could had killed him but I got nervous and did not accelerate out of a fear fast enough.
I will fish more crest to get just a bit more comfort ilvl
?? A monk heals with weapons as well. Punching people. So what ?
I am not against a mage or a rogue tanking/healing. I never said that.
What I did say is that in WoW (I dont care about ESO) a “melee” and “ranged” class has nothing to do with WHAT they do. It has to do WHERE they do it.
You could get a healer for example that hard casts magic spells and magic. But if he has to be at melee range to do it, then he is a melee healer. Regardless of WHAT he does.
And simultaneously you could have a healer that throws knives and uses a bow to heal… if he does it from Narnia he is a CASTER (or Ranged) healer.
But how would that work with tanks ? IT CANT. ALL tanks by default have to be at melee range. So it dosent matter if its a mage hard-casting stuff or some cleric or whatever. He MUST sit in melee range. Therefore ALL tanks are melee.
So if people come here saying that they want a “caster” (or ranged) tank… its mechanically impossible to make it work in WoW. It makes no sense ! If on the other hand people ask for a “mage tank” then its something else. Why not.
Back to this: Yeah… it dosent exist. It makes no sense !
They might be used interchangeably, but they aren’t the same.
Hunters aren’t casters they’re simply a class meant to be not up close and personal with the NPC.
Mages/warlocks are ranged for that same reason, but they’re casters bc they’re casting [spells]. They could be up close and personal with an NPC but they’d still be casters.