We need a Hornswog Plushie

Hello fellow gamers and Blizzard.

I’m making this post with the sole intent to give you, Blizzard, more money. OK, hear me out.

We NEED a Hornswog plushie in the blizz gear store.

My girlfriend is obsessed with these chunky lil’ guys, and she cannot stop adoring those squishy buggers every time we stumble upon them ingame. Trust me, if you could hear her squeals of joy and witness her wondrous expression in regards to these, you’ll make the same request as I in a heartbeat, too.

Anyway, so Blizzard, please get to that plushie-crafting so that I can toss more money you.


Thank you.


This would be awesome! and a Hornswog mount too!


its quite horny for a mount,. wont be comfortable

ofcourse, we will put a saddle!
(immagine 1 of the vicious mounts being an Hornswog. LOL)

Who the f*** is Blizzard? You mean Bobby? Or Activision?

Yes we need that cause we need it.

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