We need a nerf

Maybe he have that on another char who knows.

But he posted on his pala character probably to make it seem that ret pala players want their own class nerfed - It sounds more legit and less “That class killed me ingame nerf that class!”

But he fails to understand that he loses all credibility when that pala have a itemlevel that was irelevant even when bfa released.

Conclusion: He probably got killed by a ret ingame. In other words: A classic "Omg that class killed me NERF THAT SPEC"thread.


Yeah I’m not advocating removing it, I just want it to be as fun as it is for Ret…

At the moment its just special cooldown mechanic for SoTR :stuck_out_tongue:

If anything make SoTR a builder not a spender (revert it back to CD) and make TV and DS baseline for all Paladins, without the 2h requirement. Then our prime survival wouldn’t be so dependent on our HP generation, and we could regain some of the cool interactions like the extra HP from avengers that would make the rotation a bit more varied.

Seriously bro.

Your first post on this character and its itemlevel 221, aka freshly dinged 120 in bfa itemlevel.

You have no credibility whatsoever, as you couldnt possibly have experienced relevant current endgame content and the current strength of ret in that content.

Nice try to go “Undercover” because you are buthurt cuz some ret owned you (Your main wich defo is not a ret) ingame.


Seriously bro


What does SoTr stands for?

Shield of the righteous It is a prot paladin spender that all paladins have in shadowlands (you need a shield to use it but you gain armour)

Oh alright then i don’t play as a tank nor neither as a healer as all of the talk about cure debuffs and stacks it isn’t for me.

1 post saying nerf paladins, and posting on a pally to try and make yourself credible.


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You really should start carrying about removing debuffs you can remove though its useful for all specs not just Holy.

These clowns getting salty of the thought of their class getting nerfed. I a mained ret pala for ages, the dps was NOT the problem, however the utility was.

I logged onto my ret for the first time recently, and with no experience what soever, my execution sentence hit for 18.829k(Ontop of 7-8k templars) This is not the answer. Backtrack the DPS buffs, and give palas the utility they require!

I know but when it’s requrriered of you to do it i’ll not do it towards noobs there won’t even apriciate it.

What do you main? Im guessing a spec that does more dps then ret.

Another post that smells of someone who got killed by a ret.

Why are ret not allowed to deal damage? And why are some classes allowed to be top tier expansion after expansion, even with 2 or even 3 specs better then ret?

Rets biggest problem is mobility. Remove high burst and there is no reason to play one. Utility dont make up for lack of mobility.

Just another one who post on his ret alt to try to make it seem that “Ret are so op even rets want to be nerfed”

While the class you main should not be nerfed ever.

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Bare in mind that we are essentially lvl 50 twinks at the moment… every class I’ve pvp’d has been doing some mad damage, and has also been dying superfast at the same time.

We aren’t playing at the level the game has been balanced around, so calling for nerfs on how much damage someone does at lvl 50 with a high ilvl doesn’t hold much weight.

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Calling people clowns and other great arguments aside we aren’t playing at max level. It won’t do the same amount of damage relative to our health bars at 60.

If you guys actually were ret mains you would know that this thread is highly redundant. Ret isn’t allowed to be good by the devs or the community. We will get nerfed into oblivion soon enough. But you know that as ret mains. Lol

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Its like this every time ret is performing anything close to decent.

Rogues, mages, locks, have had at least 1 and most often 2 specs each being top tier ever since Vanilla but they are just “Supposed to be like that lol kek”


I would rather see a cooldown reduction to bubble to 3 min or so and have the old magic damage reduction cd returning than the current state of word of glory healing which just feels meh to face off against, damage is a bit scuffed when stacking all major CDs, but then again ret is nothing without their CDs so it’s easy to play around :smile:

I still think ret was okayish up until mid legion. In BFA however, ret was consistent in being bad. This being said, this statement applies to most of DPS spec from healing classes (Besides SP) hence why I’m not going to play Shaman, monk, paladin or druid in the near future, until Blizzard understands that Hybrid dps specs need a different balancing.

Not mentioning the fact that pure dps specs bring better and more useful support abilities.

Was actually okeyish in 8.3 imo, at least in m+. Corruptions being what they were for good and bad, ret was one of the specs that synergized pretty well with certain corruptions.

Problem with “Hybrid” dps specs is that “They are supposed to be bad” - Community wants them to be bad, while it is okey for pure dps classes to have 2-3 specs in the meta.

Also a big handicap to only have 1 dps spec for a class. At least a shaman and a druid can choose between two. Paladin, monk and priest can not. Not DH either.

Because they should be trading dps for better utility. That’s fair deal imo, but if said utility is actually useful, which is not the case at all.

The community is not behind you on this :stuck_out_tongue:

Or warriors and even DK to a degree. This is why I’m going to play dk and warrior into SL.

It should always be at leat mid tier, not bottom, like it used to be in Wod.

They realistically only have 1 dps spec which is elem.

More complicated case since feral is far from being viable, therefore Moonkin is the only viable spec.

As regarding DH, they’ve dominating ever since their release, so I want them destroyed. As regarding SP, I know it dominated BFA, but only because it scales well and profit from dot spec friendly fights.
WW and ret are however really gutted. My officers asked me to change class from warlock, asked me about Paladin, to which I answered “NEIN, Dat spec sucks, it’s useless”. One of those officers is shaman main and he understood my point that playing this kind of dps spec just feels bad.

That should be a joke, having ATM one of the “hardest to execute / easiest to counter” combos in the game.

You need to make rocket science to plan, setup and execute a good execution sentence, while almost half of the specs in the game have easy ways to counter our combo with 1 button.

Also, some mistakes here:

With old BoP, casters can still doing damage. Only melees cannot do damage during BoP. That was really not fair since 4.2 with leggo staff, when a fire mage / ret combo can just go BoP on the mage and let him oneshot you, but you can try the same with melees.

About the bubble / dmg issue, if you are using bubble to outdamage your rival you are using it bad. Bubble is used to:

  • Heal yourself
  • Take out dangerous debuffs, like Execution Sentence.
  • Bypass shit (like soak mechanics, when you usually are not even at range to attack because you must move to somewhere to soak someshit)
  • Break CC.

You can make bubble prevent you to deal damage again, and most of the PvP players would be fine with that.

Depends how crucial said utility would be for relevant endgame content.

It also depends on community. Do most people have the brain to see the value of utility over pure dps? I doubt highly.

And nevertheless, pure dps specs have just as good utility as ret pala. Some even better. So nerfing ret to the ground again because “It is a hybrid” is pointless.

But its true. This thread is a good example. Do you see “Undercover (Insert class)” on metaspecs/pure dps specs (Actually most specs) creating "We need a nerf"threads?

Certain specs are just “Not allowed” to be performing high dps. Ret or feral or enh perform good and people complain all day long. Rogue specs, mage specs, perform op as fuk and “Just they way they are” and its been like that since forever.

They havent dominated anywhere near the way the “Popular opinion” describes them to have dominated. They were good in m+ and 2v2, viable in raids and 3v3 for sure but not THE top spec.

Destroying them is even more pointless. Whats the point in playing a spec that is destroyed with no other dps options but to reroll?

DH being bottom isnt seen as a balancing thing, its become a “Justice” thing. And i suspect as soon they get some buffs and close up to being mid tier people will complain again.

How many “OMG that spec killed me ingame NERF it” do we see these days? Alot. People want an easy solution to everything, and rants about it to the point where blizzard takes it as popular opinion and bends to it. Current state of DH is a prime example. Gutted to the point where its completely meaningless to play that spec.

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