We need a new Horde character

Horde was always the aggressor. :stuck_out_tongue: It was just blamed on someone else each time. But both Garrosh and Sylvanas did not act alone, they had large parts of Horde on their side (even the player could side with Sylvanas). They both lost their respective civil war, but it is not a case of “everyone but Sylvanas/Garrosh was evil”. They had plenty of loyalists each (Orcs, Forsaken and Goblins).

I am not hating on Horde, I have always mostly played Horde (even if the character I am posting from is Alliance), but I prefered it as a wannabe conqueror faction than an edgy “we are misfits trying to stick together” sort of thing.

Also not defending Alliance. They are quite awful. And I hate Jaina. She is just full of…nonsense.

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Anduin > Jaina > The alliance worgen “slave” officer dude.
That is my top 3 worst character’s ever.

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I like Jaina at the start of BFA when she started using her brain and was actually seeking to destroy the Horde for the multiple genocides, but then she resumed being a care bear by the end of the expansion.
So lame.

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Jaina, the oh so powerfull mage.
That can freeze, TP or blow up everything.
The one that has to be rescued littarly every xpack.
The one that couldn’t even talk to her own mother cuz she was scared…

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Undead Forsaken too

I mean, they are another human race too

and replacing Draenei and Kaldorei to the Horde

Keep your space goats.
You need one non-human race in your ranks.

Blood elves belong to the horde.
Kaldorei as horde… We all know all the alliance “fake blood elves” will uproar about this.

Her only redeeming quality is her looks.

Hated her since Warcraft III with her “waaah how could Arthas do this waaah” and then “Archimonde sent like 4 ghouls at me omg my base is overrun send help waaah” in the final Night Elf mission.

In WoW MoP she kicks Belves out of Dalaran for not being neutral in the Horde vs Alliance thing and then sides Dalaran with Alliance?

And then she just continues to be stupid and annoying all the way till now, where she will keep screaming “Adrestes this cant be!!!” in Oribos until you click the quest to make her shut up.

It´s Two Non-Human race in the Alliance

It´s the Kaldorei

  • Look at them, they are pink and purple, and they don´t have human skin colors while in DHs

But they’re just to give the Hipster Elves some company.
Nobody else likes them xept the purple elves anyway…
Send them to the horde and the hipsters will burn down their own tree again…

we need rokhan to step up

I hope Bwonsambi get’s a major role again.
I genuinly love that fella.

Oh go on. Think of all the raids you’d start as a craze to kill the warchief of the horde…

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In my headcanon Horde council is the first step of returning to what the Horde is about: banding together for survival and honour. Horde recognising Alliance as allies to band together with is on par with the core Horde values.

Otherwise the Horde would have been Orcs only from the very beginning of their revival on Azeroth, and Tauren and Blood Elves would become Alliance members.



Also agree.

I tried to go through BFA multiple times, in my mind. That’s why I now have 25 Horde characters (Identity crisis).

The only ones I see being ok with all the Horde actions during BFA are Forsaken and Orcs. Even then my Forsaken Priest (holy) would be against it as my Orc Warrior (warrior’s honor). However being in SL and then tagging along Bolvar, Jaina, Thrall, Baine, Anduin and Darion doesn’t suits the characters that followed through the BFA narrative. Feels weird playing SL in Forsaken, Orc warfront armor and being called Champion.

The only ones I see being ok to be under the Leadership of Sylvanas and than joining Saurfang would be:

  • My Goblin Rogue. He’s a mercenary paid by the highest coin and he betrayed the Horde in order to save his a$$.
  • My BE DK and my Tauren DK. They did much worse during their period with Arthas.

Edit: typing.


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It’s not really your “headcanon” went it’s… Well the actual lore.

That’s just not the Horde I’m personnally interested in. But the Horde I like isn’t playable so… Here we are. I don’t RP myself as Horde.

By the way, “banding for survival” was legit when the Horde began being a thing.

Now they are the 2nd most powerfull faction existing on Azeroth, and I honnestly don’t believe the Alliance is much stronger overall, they are close in nowaday’s lore. They won’t have a “survival” problem anytime soon.

Well, unless Azeroth itself is in trouble.

The main problem I have with all this is that the Horde doesn’t need to “go back to it’s roots” or whatever.

Who cares about roots, they are now the 2nd geopolotical power of this world AND direct rivals with the 1st power. And they don’t act like it. They act as if they were still banding together to avoid being killed by some randoms Centaurs.

That’s pathetic.

Yeah, I hate Baine with a passion.

I will be the new War chief. Vote Hankhorde.

Because that has worked so well for the Horde all this time…

The same one who almost destroyed the horde in a civil war and fell under the influence of the old gods, who had turned him into a puppet showing him images of what he wanted to see. :rofl:

But we could use someone new as an addition so +1. :smile:

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Outrageous! Kaldorei in the horde??? Never! I say we trade worgens… Let all the furries move to the horde!!

We should have that goblin king becomes some kind of badass or intelligent mofo

Plot a war in order to sell technology and weapons to both sides. Then some other goblin would be horrified by the wars and would create the first azeroth red cross.

What, it has been done before ??? Well, nevermind, let’s go anyways !