We need a new Horde character

Isn’t… the Kaldorei were the first to figure out how to turn in to an animal :thinking:
Living fur-suits… cosplaying birds, wolves, bears, etc?

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The worgens only problem is, they are just… humans. :unamused:
It would be awesome if the worgens could be Kaldorei, remnants/victims of Alpha Prime’s Pack or some infected ones who found the Wolf inside them
Edit: and have a tail


I can imagine that Elven Worgen like Sin’dorei one would look the same as Gilnean humans, since Blood elves have the same size as humans

Here, the worgen will rise!

Shal’dorei worgen

Gnomish worgen

Dwarven worgen

Gurubashi worgen

Zandalari worgen

Kul tiran worgen

Dark iron worgen

The Wolves shall inherit the Earth? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
It is like the Satyr Curse… no one is safe from the Worgen’s bite
Except the Exiled Ones… come near the Exodar and we will shoot!
:gun: :goat:

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I would play a kaldorei worgen for sure! That would be awesome!

For anyone thinking it’s a great idea being the next Warmonger Warchief of the Horde, imagine being raided at the end of the expansion by 25 murderhobos hobos looking for glory and loot.
Your character is defeated in the lore, but he remains in game to be raided and looted again and again, even after the expansion ends.
We can even imagine how that would play out: your character wakes up Butt-naked after each session of raiding.


Thats too big, the poodle would be the Dwarven Worgen
Gnome/goblin worgen would be a Chihuahua

Certainly not the abomination we have since BfA.
I am fine with the older iteration.

I for one as an Alliance player, would love to see a “true” warchief wrestle against your new bureaucratic “council”. The Horde will die after too many civil wars between the Warchief Garrosh/Sylvanas types and the Council Thrall/Baine/Thalyssra/Lor’Themar types.

Expect to see Humans and Night Elves with Orc masks giving out flyers in Orgrimmar and astroturfing the next conflict between a blooddrunk Orc leader vs diplomatic elves and taurens.

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And then just grab some popcorn and watch the horde burn hehe

Like we did when your hippie tree burned :popcorn: .

Trees can and will grow back
The Horde?
Will forever remains ashes and cinder

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Nature shall endure always, unlike the blight of Kalimdor wich you call horde!

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