I enjoy playing a class that is almost never considered as a ‘‘meta’’ spec (warrior dps). When you reach the point that you can start pushing high keys (15/16 etc) , its gets realy impossible to paly from that point onwards. Literally can spend 10Hrs and maybe get 1 invite since thats how it goes as a pug. This should never in my opinion be the case, which a player has reach that level and can’t get into a grp to progress further since he doesnt has a preformed grp. I think a similar system that was implimented for pvp aka Solo Shuffle , would help out a bit for players like us that have some spare hours per day to do some keys at our level cap and be utilized in game play instead of in que just waiting to maybe get an invite to play. Hope this message gets read and given some taught. Thankyou for your time.
Thank you for posting this nonsense for the 1000th time.
The answer is NO. Its a bad idea.
You wait 10Hrs because there are no healers or tanks in the pool. With a Solo Quew the BEST CASE scenario is that there are the same ammount of healers and tanks.
Which would mean you still wait 10h. So you solve NOTHING except removing player choice when forming groups. Which as you might imagine, its REALLY important (you dont want to end up in a group with 4 warriors do you?).
And I was nice here. But the answer is NOOOOOOOOOO !!
15/16 is title range keys. No wonder there aren’t many players to play with. Most run title-levels with premades.
It is sort of lonely at the top. Good job though getting there.
Oh, OP was refering to that range ? Failed to read that.
100% Tsjoh… trying a +16 with out a coordinated premade is a guaranteed deplete. You need coordination to pull those off, its by defenition not made to be pugged.
A soloq System won’t help you. I can just repeat what every single high rated player preaches: fill your friendlist. That’s the easiest way to reach the title.