We NEED a Starcraft-themed MOUNT

Hearthstone has its own mount.
Heroes of the Storm has its own mount.
Diablo too.

It’s well past time we’re rolling inside a giant baneling.


Atleast there was a zergling pet


What did you have in mind?

I’m completely serious about being inside a giant baneling. The dismount animation would be it exploding.


They might do it if there is something to promote about starcraft.

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They did it at random for HOTS though.

They could make one of those mecha mounts into a combat suit too.

But a baneling sounds much cooler :partying_face:

I want my Diablo Immortal mount first please.


Imagine a battle suit transmog that doubles as a mount.

We need to know these things.

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That is so fantastically retarded I can’t help but love it.

Make it happen, Blizz.


Jim Raynor’s Vulture? would be cool mount, but ground only :stuck_out_tongue:

For flying one i wish i had Mutalisk :heart::sunglasses: (the one from StarCraft: Brood War)

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Riding an ultralisk sounds fun

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Battlecruiser operational


Riding a family friendly sign sounds great too!

In the same style as the pandaren kite.

There already is one.
Just look at the SL pre-order rewards. :laughing:
Such a beautiful Protoss-… I-i mean Anima themed mount. :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops:

Thor mount. I will move the heavens for something like that.

Or a rideable Zergling. My lord yes.

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You mean the Terran marine power armor?

Stop. You’re making me feel things!

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No thanks! Its :100: going to be pixelated.

What was the HOTS mount?