We need Cross-faction Battleground queues

If shamans are unkillable, what are paladins then?

Every 5 minutes is the way

Sure, and during the uptime paladins are completely unstoppable. With heavy heavy burst

Well apart from that they are doable. While shamans are overall better the other 4 mins and 45 sec

stop whine on HoJ Bubble, you horde all look so traumatized like it’s the most dangerous thing you ever seen in your life

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

everybody disrespect paladins
nobody disrespect shamans

there is a problem

give shamans to alliance please

Horde respects paladins. Just roll horde and feel the paladins yourself. And see how much horde hates to play against them.

Paladin has insane bursts

i can’t believe this :flying_saucer:

the facts are that shamans and hardiness + will of forsaken are big advantages with no equivalent in alliance’s side

  • every stun resisted vs one of the 5 orc’s classes is an issue
  • every fear have no value vs one of the 5 forsaken’s classes (you can’t argue with dwarf priest fearward, it’s for a single target each X minutes, it’s less impactful than an army of forsaken)

use a fear against horde → they resist → you die → you ress → go back to the battlefield →
use a fear against horde → they resist → you die → you ress → go back to the battlefield →
use a fear against horde → they resist → you die → you ress → go back to the battlefield → repeat

so bubble every 5min is not a big problem

So you skipped all my arguments, admitted you are just a meta-player who want an easy wins and admitted you are one of this petards who camping incursions.

And after that you trying to incline “horde are better players”… yeah, maybe, but you are definitely not a part of these players :slight_smile:

“Alliance is a bad players because I wrote a wall of text” - petard logic. You played yourself.

I ganked 463 horde players this week in incursions, how did your week go?

should have done your pvp rep/honor farm in phase 2 like everyone else.

the reason for the queue times is that literally anyone worth a spit did so, so there is no incentive to join bgs for the vast majority of the playerbase… because they’re done with their pvp farm… we can’t decay below rank 7 and we can’t go above… wsg and defilers exalted since phase 1 and 2 respectively.

tell me why i would join bg? for “fun”? no thanks.

also, it doesn’t help that basically any and all efforts people put in to get ahead in pvp is literally nullified by blizzards omega “catchup mechanics”.
people sat here farming hard to get ahead, and then blizzard just goes “btw here’s a bunch of gear that is only a few stat points worse than the best pvp gear available, and you get it for free by running in circles for a few hours LUL”.

same thing can be said for anyone who tried to get ahead economically… blizzards galaxy brained decision to implement incursions made a joke of all their hard efforts.

people are getting increasingly resentful about this, as they damn well should. because frankly its bollocks to have your HARD EARNED (emphasis on EARNED) progress invalidated by joe average with 9 jobs and 12 kids just entering the game and LITERALLY running on a hamsterwheel for 6 hours.
and this is not an exaggeration, before blizzard finally got around to nerfing incursions (well after the irreparable damage was beyond done) people could quite literally run circles - not kill a single mob or player - and get a ton of rep, gold and gear HANDED to them.

this is not “catchup” - this is atrocious.

words cannot describe how unhealthy and bad this is for the game, and every day that goes by the problem gets worse.
the only way to undo the damage that has been done is a rollback, and that is not going to happen, so we’re simply collectively screwed - yes, even the people who took advantage of the gravy train.

i hate to invoke politics, but this is peak bidenomics. you don’t even need to have taken a basic class in economics to predict the outcome of something like incursions.
its literally a money printer, and gold will decrease in value every second that goes by at a hyperinflated rate - even moreso than the basic vanilla inflation which is guaranteed to happen as time goes on at endgame and the lack of gold sinks increase the amount of gold in rotation.


I agree that’s why I want cross faction queue

better solution is to give hardiness to dwarves or Nelf, and add shaman and paladin to both faction.

the unbalance is all here

Yeah and after every battleground Chris Metzen should deliver you Chinese takeout

You are nothing like your guildname :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: you dark blood elf of the owl

Cross-faction battleground is “changing the game”

so why not change the game just by balancing factions?

No, it isn’t.

so why not change the game just by balancing factions?

Because the factions don’t need balancing. Classic Alliance are bad players who want to PvE, you can’t balance that.

didnt liked the change in tbc and i dont like it now. the only option i would like are mixed bgs. so we can play with shamans who are overpowered af.

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i bet you’d love that.
roll horde if you want shaman stuff.

no, i just stop playing bgs. im rank 7 in two days anyway.