We need double dps Solo Shuffle

Doesn’t need to be double dps only. You can put one healer in a dps role.

Sometimes it will be:
2dps vs 2dps
1heal,1dps vs 2dps
1heal,1dps vs 1heal,1dps
And so on.

So everyone has instant queues.
Would love to see that.


Sounda like arena 2v2 to me (:

I dont think healing feeling stressful is the reason nobody wants to heal. Its more like healing is actually annoying beyond reason and blizzard keeps kicking this dead horse instead of giving ppl reasons to log into their healers, which are crucial for wow to work.
All the changes and cool stuff adding to dps mean that healers are always more limited to doing their work.
Now shuffles with tanks? Thats a spit into the face of healers. Huge dampening buffs? Another spit into the face.
No drinking, while some healers are at full all game and others just oom in 2 mins? GJ blizzard.
Hugely buffed the amount of interrupts and cc, so they are not allowed to play the game? GJ.
So no, healing is not stressful. Its annoying beyond death.


When tanks were tanks we had instant queues. But apparently people prefer 20 min queues and every round being a 5 min heal snooze.

I don’t see why we can’t have a choice, just have “with tanks” option.


May the best DH win!

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In 2s double dps is at a disadvantage against dps/healer. I’m talking about separate bracket in solo shuffle so double dps fighting double dps, and dps/heal fighting dps/heal.

Yeah what i said was targetted to Darcas. What he said sounded just like 2s arena

There are many dps classes that suck as a 2x dps composition that are only really playable with a healer in 2s.

Then they wouldn’t have to queue for it. Classes should be balanced so they are able to pvp without a healer.

that would make all classes have healing or none, and that is really really bad class design giving all classes exactly the same.

Which specs can’t pvp without a healer?

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Well it’s 2s but as shuffle.
Atm shuffle is just 3s, as shuffle.

You can’t play 3dps with every comb, but you can almost do it with every comb in 2s.

You can even have just one healer in a match, so we don’t wait so long.

I’m not a expert in this, but sounds better to me then how the shuffle is atm.

Yea, but with good que”s incould finally start playing dps; i only play healer cuz i hate waiting in the rat race:)

And i always like 2v2 more than 3v3

Yes I’m also sometimes healing for fast queues but I would prefer to play dps… if only it had instant queues.

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If i play healer , i wont sing up for 1healer 1 dps solo and play with randoms if i can go regular 2s and play with friends/voice or in comp i like the most, sorry.

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Would be great if you could get 2x healer vs 2x healer too!

I think we should enable it for a little while at least as a social experiment, so that healers may feel a little less stress from high dps, but also so that they may suffer from things being unkillable.

Yeah, it sure would be fun fighting rogue/mage every game :smiley:

Because healers are absolutely bonkers OP unless the double DPS comp has truly great synergy this would be quite unfair - since it’s solo shuffle and the double DPS won’t.

Could do double DPS vs double DPS and healer DPS vs healer DPS though.

Can someone explain me in which world double dps solo shuffle would be fun? It’ll be dominated by hybrid specs and rogues…

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