We need Druids Bears improvements!

A non- tank issue.

I’ve been there with a bear tank and had zero issue’s.

That’s always a recipe for disaster, so again not a tank- issue. Unless your entire group is fully kara- geared you won’t do SHH HC with only 1 CC.

Again this seems like something you have to play around successfully, which is possible because I’ve seen a lot of very good druid tanks. So either you have to gear up a bit more or learn your class more.

They are not ultimate tanks but they can be very good. Not at all like you described them; from a healer’s perspective.

why would you ever lacerate on multiple targets have you ever considered you just play your class wrong? If you want good aoe threat pre hot urself before pulls to create extra healing aggro you also got Hurricane on top of that on pulls and you can barkskin pre pull. Literally every point you bring up seems to come down to mistakes you do as a player why would you try to make it about the class is beyond me, I play druid tank I got zero issues tanking anything in the game and if anything I’d say druid tanks are op af and dont need any buffs.

I just … it seems like you ve came from retail druid tanking, OP.

I ve never thought about this, its just one tick right ? Does is help that much ? ( I ve been tbc feral tank for years, but I ve never thought about this :slight_smile: I guess I am still learning. )

From my tbc experience back in the day all the tanks had specific purposes and areas they shined in.

Warriors were great maintanks due to having defensives and getting uncrushable pretty fast and actually being able to pull good dps in prot with dps gear.

Druids were good MT’S on some fights and great off tanks thanks to cat form. They scale the best and only get better. Towards T6 I’ll start expecting most bears to be pushing 20k hp and have 40% dodge. That’s dam impressive and obviously they have the bear ST threat in general . They have the highest HP making them perfect meat shields.

Paladins are simply the best AOE tanks. They can maintank perfectly fine and on some spellheavy fights there the best option. But for min maxers for MT its a tossup between bears and wars for most of the xpac.

TbC was different, not everyone had to be good at everything like retail is today. Find your specs pro and make the best out of it.

If only there had been some info out there in the wild that could show you that a druid has less AoE threat overall than a paladin.
But no, TBC was entirely fresh content that noone has seen before so we had no idea of knowing ahead of time.

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You mean “git expertise” ?

  1. Blizzard doesn’t need to buff Druids just because your guild isn’t very good at the game, didn’t show up with consumables and your raid leader didn’t build a good raid comp for buffs. Our 2nd tank is a Druid also, because they are the best offtank for Gruul, our druid has 0 survival issues. Go farm better gear.

Do you have hunters? They literally have the easiest pre-raid dungeon (beast lord) set and much of it lasts them until T5, they are also broken and do way more dps than they should due to shot animation time bug, there is no way your hunters are doing only 800 dps on gruul.

  1. Yes threat issues in BM, every class has that. Even Paladins because they have to drink and the dungeon is on a timer. The dps are meant to help with the adds in BM, take an enhancement shaman and a DPS Warrior with you, you will never have an issue because the DPS Warrior will pull agro on the non elite mobs and then delete them in seconds.

  2. Everyone struggles in shattered halls, try doing it as a Warrior it is pure hell. Get better gear, use consumables, have your dps use their utility… Play the game, it’s not just about hold agro and do dps.

This is TBC, and it’s actually easier this time than it was in the original, by a lot.


As Main druid tank, youre right, and excuse me, at these SH hc run with hunter, shaman, priest and mage you have more than 1 CC, you still have mage slow from fire nova, dragon roar, +frost nova and obviously the main CC (polymorph), hunter have ice trap and Miss Direction to help u agroo if needed, priest have dismiss to reduce his own agroo and fear…

I did the SH run in time yesterday without problems, with sham healer, hunter, mage and shadow priest. probably @Jomello need better gear. he said that are raiding gruul with 16k hp (so low for a druid) i am tanking it with 18.7k and 27k armour.

For aoe pulls, as druid u only need to place marks over the adds and kill them in order making ST

Mage + hunter = 2 cc btw.

Tanking is not all about keeping aggro from all targets. Its using stuns, charges, taunts on the correct mobs at the correct time. And building the threat on the right mobs. Skull target goes down first so I usually get initial aggro on that then focus on others. Cross and onwards. By the time I’m about to loose aggro on skull it is most of the time almost dead so I haven wasted globals and threat on that target. And you have solid threat on other targets. Worst case, its not quite dead so a quick taunt or stun will take care of it until it is. AoE pulls with seed is tricky though. Same here though put a skull and cross for singletarget pumpers to focus on while you tab target maul swipe mangle spam like a madman taunting targets that you lose. Also charge them, stun them and taunt the mobs on, or nearest the lock. You won’t be able to have threat on every mob. Not a chance. And thats fine. Hell, if you lose all mobs you have cyclone too to peel for the lock. I feel like swipe is far better threat per rage on multiple targets than using lacerate while spamming tab. I even predict swipe to outperform lacerate when we get better gear on single target. No science behind my claim. But swipe scales with AP so it should do good later. Edit: lacerate also scales with AP. But i feel it scales worse than swipe.

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