We Need Elisande Back!

Tanu’balah !

In the Reforging Tyr quest line of the last week we learned that the disc of Tyr is held in the past in Nighthold by Elisande.

Now this makes me very very excited, because it means that not only we are going to see Elisande again, but also it can give a possibility to bring her back somehow, maybe by our actions she will now have access to the real vision of what happened in Legion is that the Legion will lose.

I think that Elisande was one of the cooler characters created by WoW and sadly got wasted. I really feel like that character had a lot of potential in 7.0 with the Twilight of Suramar comoics (That you can read here for free! : https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/story/comic/twilight-of-suramar ) with a very cool theme of having to make hard choices for her people and siding wih the Legion because she thouhgts it was the only possible future and was just butchered in 7.1 quests to make her look mean and tyranical to her people not caring about them while in 7.0 and comics she was not like this.

Even in the raid, (which was made in 7.0 beta) she actually help us kill gul’dan after her defeat.

I think she really should be brought back and have her potential be used! Blizz should not miss this opportunity!

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that would be great, elisande is a great character

my favourite part she did is when she came out of The Nighthold and ripped into the female leaders of the playable elf races, calling them all impure broke losers with no morals & skanky children

if she came back they would probably make her apologise. but she shouldn’t because she was right

You mean when this happened?

Elisande says: Behold this motley throng in which the rebels put their faith.
Elisande says: Kaldorei? You disgrace a glorious past, hiding in trees and cloaking yourselves in false piety. You have grown as savage as the trolls that skulk about your forests.
Elisande says: Quel’dorei? You are peasants playing at nobility, all too willing to mingle with lesser races that dilute your bloodline. You are unworthy of the name high elves.
Elisande says: Sin’dorei? Of all the elves, I thought you might understand the choice I made to save my people. Instead, you ally with misfits and monsters.
Elisande says: Each of you has debased your proud lineage. Each of you has forgotten the ancient power that is our birthright.

yeah, that was really funny, also i forgot she called the Horde “misfits and monsters” which is also true and funny


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