We need more diversity in Human RP

Now, lately i’ve been noticing a trend in Human RP. All characters are either charming, young people, wizened, wise old men, valiant knights, dashing criminals, snarky reporters, rangers, scarlets, writers, death knights and generally just stereotypical characters. I think human roleplayers should take some time to think out original character concepts, and not just rely on stereotypes that frankly, are quite boring. I think all human RPers should instantly delete their characters, and come up with something a little more interesting.


[Takes bait and proceeds to write a paragraph of needlessly verbose text, over half of which does not relate to the post above, simply to display how wrong you are in my flawless opinion.]
Ha, good thing I trained for this.


Dread not, little gnome for I have arrived to grace this human RP scene with an absolutely unique concept!

I call it…

Flameweaver Koegler


I even wrote up a detailed background of my character! A thing human role-players usually seem to be lacking of… (Probably well aware of the fact that they are playing the most boring race in the game…)

Anyways, have a gander:

Flameweaver Koegler trains the Scarlet Crusade’s more magically minded adepts in the subtle applications of the arcane. Fire is his specialty, and he has used his skills to burn the order’s historical tomes, erasing the Crusade’s past failures. Apart from books, Koegler’s flames have rendered many–undead, students, and trespassers alike–into piles of smoking ash.


Very interesting, Koegler. It seems familiar. Probably a sign that it has been laying in the back of my mind, being entertained by my subconciousness. And THAT is a sign that it’s Gdrp.


Thank you very much! I worked very hard on this.

Also considering to start up a guild btw!

I’d call it <The Scarlet Crusade

I suggest you throw up some banners in Stormwind. You know, to get that recruiting going.

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Oh yes, most definitely. What an amazing idea! Thank you my little friend.

I’d offer you a spot among us but I’d regrettably be forced to burn you right after…

This makes sense as there is a member of the Scarlet Crusade in the Cathedral. A great way for Koeglar to give his unique concept, which he thought of all by himself, legitimacy.


See? Now we’re getting some quality RP concepts.


We need some Lightforged DKs don’t we?

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I volunteer as tribute.

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Ahhh, our first subject has arrived… Just as i said, Princes- err, no one

This guild is forming!

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Just make a guild called;

‘That Human Guild’


Good! Plant banners in Cathedral Square and recruit Night elves who believe in the Light in it!

Also Lightforged void elves

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You fools! I’ve been taught in your vagueposting arts by the Aerie Command!

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Is it time for the guild thread yet?

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It is! in ten characters.