We need more female gamers

No I need a walking stick and an orthopaedic mattress :rofl:


I can fix those. xD

Why? Are you offering up your dad?


Are you into 60 year olds?

More than into 23 year olds!


Oof guess this isn’t your lucky day haha

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I’m not 23 though. o.O

So what’s the perfect range? Asking for a friend. takes notes


No such thing as a lucky day for me, so s’all guud, grandma. ^^

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Oh sorry 26…you have this 23 vibe

I mean… I havent really changed my way of speech since I was 14-15, so thanks, I guess?

Well…it all depends on the money really! If rich somewhere between 20-110


Don’t torment me - I realllly want to be a grandma but my kids love careers too much for that bless them :slight_smile:

What is it with moms and grandkids?

Why do you want more lil :poop: in your Lifes?! D:

The baby clothes are cute

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I’d rather have a real Life crawg.

We want to feel useful that’s why :stuck_out_tongue:

I love kids. One day I will adopt a special needs kid. My one daughter has severe autism and will live with me for life.

So it’s okay if my kids never have kids sniff

My kids have an amazing sense of humour. There isn’t a day go by where they don’t make me laugh and smile. All the hard stuff it worth it.

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They want to spread the torment. “If I have to through this, let’s see how others like it! :rage:”


How severe is it?

Mine isn’t allowed to date untill he is 40 so we’ll see what happens! He is so handsome I think he will have a lot of girls fighting over him at daycare though

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