We need more female gamers

Why? Are you keeping him for yourself? ._.

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She’s in special needs school with a statement- well was before the lockdown.

She didn’t talk until 5 and she’s very socially vulnerable. She gets angry and violent at the drop of a hat and it is a challenge.

My eldest has aspergers so very mild and is a graphic designer… he has managed to settle down with a nice girl.

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Because it will be impossible to love someone more than he loves his mommy!

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I can’t lie… it broke my heart when my eldest moved out :cry:

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I will change our top floor into a studio so he can keep living with me foreeeever :heart_eyes:

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With a statement? I was in a school for kids with autism as well, although none seem particularly severe in my memory. We didn’t work in normal schools that’s for sure.

I didn’t talk until 3-4 I Think, and that wasn’t because I ‘‘couldnt’’ I just didn’t feel like it (but did in private until someone caught me, dangit).

What do you mean by socially vulnerable?

Hm, I got angry but usually for a reason though.

I have ADHD and aspergers.

I did hurt myself back in 2nd-9th grade by untzing my head into lockers and stuff, but not to hurt myself really, just out of straight boredom (and I can still do it).




There’s 2 kids of love.

The love for a parent/child.

And the other is love for a partner that you want to smash.

Depending on how much longer the lockdown is the smashing is starting to look good

I can’t give a proper comment to this without looking bad.

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Yes. For the schools she has been to all must have a statement.

She’s been in special needs school since she was 3 and a half.

I see.

What do you mean by socially sensitive?

It would be very easy for someone to take advantage of her.

She doesn’t have the same understanding that others do. She won’t be able to live alone. She gets upset and angry very easily, and will hit others. She hates noise, she’s very robotic in her speech. She talks to herself a lot, and likes to listen to repetative things like film idents. Hard to explain properly here.

She is a genius at Maths and with computers. She can even sing bob the builder in many different languages.

I can sing ‘‘On My Way’’ from the Movie ‘‘Brother Bear’’ in different languages as well! \o/

So like… she Believes anything anyone says (sorta) and dont understand sarcasm etc?

Yeah, keep her home D:

easy to calm her down or is it a pain?

I hate noise too. xD

Robotic in her speech? She’s straight to the Point and not much for chit chat?

I do this in my head too, and sometimes aloud but only when I play games… >_>

I can understand this one as well, if I found a new song I can listen to that one song for Days. Same with Movies.

Maybe she could become a designer for websites etc?

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Yes that :slight_smile:

Shes broken a few tvs, and she will hit whoever or whatever is closest to her when she snaps. If you took her on a bus and a baby was crying she would tell the mother to shut that child up.

I’m the only one that can calm her and it’s heartbreaking because she is now almost 12 and knows shes different… she asks why her brain is broken :frowning:

She has no expression.

She hates people breaking rules… internet security would be her thing I think!

Another thing is she likes to play on the pc and try to use a tablet at the same time… it sounds awful to my ears but she likes it. She flaps still too… she stopped the spinning a while back.

To me, this would be wife material as a grown up. I hate annoying kids on the bus/trains and idiotic mothers that do nothing about it. I just cba telling them things because I’m too introverted.

I’ve Always known I was different, and it’s something I myself still struggle with. Tell her that her brain isn’t broken. :frowning:

In the face or voice?

I’m not able to display much emotion in my face on command, something must cause it, and I can sound robotic when I’m in my depressed moods.

Perfect, and she could maybe work with that at home too!

I play Hearthstone on my tablet while playing WoW at times. :3

She sounds pretty great tbh. Never let anyone tell her she’s bad for being different.


She’s amazing and I wouldn’t change a thing.

It is exhausting sure, but so very rewarding. When she couldn’t talk or point I laminated pictures of all her fave foods & tv shows and stuck them on the cupboards, fridge by the tv… then took her hand and said the word.

With time she began to talk, but we made an amazing discovery… she could read before she could talk… the school told us.

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Sounds exhausting at times but I am sure you get a lot in return! How is she now with the epidemic going on? Is it hard on her?

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Reading helped me out a lot when I started Reading Dragon Ball manga in 2nd grade. I could actually sit still and just read. I still read plenty now.

I’m buying a big Bookshelf this month so I can buy plenty of history books since I’m a bag fan of history, especially Vikings and Celts!

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Her routine is ruined and she thrives on strict times and activities.

She goes by bus to school which she loves and has a bus journal where she likes to jot down the numbers of all buses she sees so losing that routine is hard.

She’s having meltdowns, but doing really well considering. She does her schoolwork via website called purple mash… her teacher sets work and she can click a button to hand it in.

I got her a kindle so she can choose books to read :slight_smile: