We need more female gamers

I’m a good boi!


Why troll tho? I love the female trolls (well i did until someone mentioned the back toe :face_vomiting:), but i imagine alot of female gamers will be belf/nelf/velf.


Was expecting feminazi thread.



Pretty sure more of us ladies would play female trolls if they designed more shoe options that cover troll toes. There are very few that do (Antorus set, Trial to Valor set and one of the Stromgarde Warfront ones and I think that’s all, other than the Wendigo onesie shoes). Give us more covering shoes and female trolls will be more attractive to everyone!


to be honest i think wow has one of the most male to female ratios. i meet females all the time. must be a problem on your end.


I knew that was a real photo on Twitter :rofl:



Yeah the split seems fairly even in MMORPGs and it’s been evening out in many genres the past couple decades really.


It’s a running joke that if you want to introduce your girlfriend to wow, just show her a blood elf priest. I am ashamed to say that when my now-husband introduced me to wow my first character was a blood elf priest… I am a stereotype!


What an amazing way to end this weekend


I don’t mind the sex change, but I fear the science for race change just isn’t there yet.

yeah, having no females in games would have been a maybe argument in the early 2000s but the last decade it rapidly increased.

but i guess if you are not that certain stereotype kind of girl you usually dont have any need to announce your gender. i usually play everything across the board, male, female, all races.

just need more character slots pleaasseee… :sob: :sob: :sob: off topic sorry :smiley:


Just because most of the females i’ve met in the game has been those races. I have no statistics on it, just my impression. I choose draenei and trolls myself tho, so its clearly not 100% accurate.

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This is just because Troggs aren’t available.

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I knew it worgen could be real !

You forgot draenei, there’s a lot too.

But not enought worgen, worgen is the best :smile:.

You mean like some of worgen shoes ?

Kinda silly of me since i play draenei myself :stuck_out_tongue: and my sister play worgen :blush:


I have been playing since TBC and the women I’ve gamed with have played all sorts of races. My first character was an orc warlock, I just happened to be (and till am) the worlds worst warlock so in Wrath expansion I gave up and tried paladin :joy:

Ironically two male friends, one has a female nelf fetish and the other one just loves all things belf, regardless of whether it is male or female.


Yeah i know, i’ve met all sorts of female chars. Its just my impression that alot of us stick to the pretty races. And thats why i used words like imagine, cause i cant state it as a fact, its just my own experience.

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Many male gamers choose females characters to play in game, I think the big shocker when someone analysed the data (before the API changed), is that there are more male than female Blood elves in game.

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Cant blame them, i usually find the female models better then male. Except some races like worgen and tauren.