We need more female gamers

I’ve got it all down to a tee. I have so many photos of my son in ridiculous animal onesies as well as being capable of banging out the worst dad jokes you’ll ever hear.

God I’m proud.

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Im sure I’ll bring out the cringe when my son is older. I have videos of us where he’s demanded I paint his nails and film it and I do so, then he struts around pretending to be his sister. Hilarious. Although I’m convinced he’s going to grow up to be more fabulous than a season of RuPaul so maybe not so much cringe for him.

Why did your post get flagged and hidden?

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Was just wondering the same tbh :woman_shrugging:t3: There’s seriously alot of flags going on that i just cant for the life of me understand.

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Some alliance main disagreed and chose to abuse poor discord alts/accounts flagging probs.
This forum needs 1 char = 1 like = 1 flag policy but even that won’t work, cause any multiboxer would be able to flag people at mass

My guess would be some over-sensitive soul saw the name of one particular artist, found it offensive on others’ behalf, broke down in tears and logged all their alts to flag it.


I go and read his post. Few times even. And I am quite honestly - confused. Why on earth did anyone flag him. Must be one of the alt-flagging incidents ?

makes no sense - considering this topic on its own makes very little sense.


Disagreed to his taste in music? He just lists up what he likes to listen to. No need to flag that :sweat_smile: i see one of the artists have a name some might see as offensive’ish, but idk, not a valid reason for massflagging.

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Yeah that was my thought aswell. But context ppl, u cant just take offense of words out of context! Jeez!

Don’t tell me what to do. I am offended! :fearful:

Ye, haven’t you heard, that everyone must obey?
There is only 1 true view in life and even music group names can be extra offensive.


Oh poop, u’re gonna massflag me and make me loose my TL again arent u? :sweat_smile::kissing_heart:

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Oh please you soft orc. Parkway Drive ftw!

… I listen to Goregrind, Grindcore, Technical Death Metal, Black Metal etc etc…

I’m not a softy. >:c

Yet you talk about the Stones… :roll_eyes:

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And I listen to plenty of stuff, but I mainly listen to Metal. >:|


Quick everyone flag him! :stuck_out_tongue:

no u! :frowning:

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So i just got unbanned from my 3 day vacation. I posted my oppinion here and that got me banned. To me that means that Blizzard penalized me for wrong think thus i will not post here again. You may commence the save space and your commie moderators now, if you want real discussion though better go some place else where cencorship isn’t as it was in the Sowjet Union or China. Blizzard doesn’t deserve to operate in a free country.

You talk about safe-spaces as if they were bad. Is there any reason the public forum for a 13+ game should not be a safe-space?

There are things you can say in a close group of friends, there are things you can say in public. It’s not just about here. Learning what you can say under what circumstance is a skill that will help you in life. One specific example is that you can’t bring your /pol/ mentality to public places like this one.

Regarding the hateful things you said before that were thankfully deleted, you need to understand that your gender, your race and the place you come from are determined by RNG at your time of birth. Being female or from China doesn’t make you a worse person. We are all human (or blood elves, or worgen, or gnomes etc).

Being a misogynist on the other hand makes you a worse person. But that’s not something you’re born with - that’s a choice you make.