We need more female gamers

My brothers a bit older, he left 87 but never did A Levels

I mean, if you mean Led Zeppelin, then love some of their shiz, but always grew up with my old man’s taste in music, so more Beatles and the Stones, and The Doors of course, but ‘Kashmir’ by Led Zep is one of the finest bass guitar riffs of all time…

Uh, unless you meant actual Zeppelins, in which case that was 1880’s, not 1980’s :smiley:


I did mean Led, ye. Stones and The Doors are cool too. Beatles are too tame for me.

Ever heard The Shadows?

Oh, and ‘Immigrant Song’ I love that track so much!

The Shadows? The ones Cliff Richards used to front for?

They are/were his background band, but they made their own albums without vocals.

They inspired many great guitarists like Tony Iommi, Brian May etc.

I mean, you get a hundred Celts looking angry woaded up, bellowing out that “Ahaaaaaaaah -Hah!” Ahaaaaaaaah-Hah!" And you have an enemy battle line that will fold in minutes once they hit!

And yeah, the same Shadows then, Yeah, heard their stuff, and sometimes I prefer pieces without vocals. Sometimes the vocals would remove from a piece of music’s pure artistry.


My Ipod is a mess, Dubstep, EBM, Goth, New Romantic, Beatles, Stones and Doors, Prokofiev and Mozart, All over the place. I don’t go by bands, I go by what they produce, if that makes sense.

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I listen to EBM, Metal (many forms), Mozart, Beethoven, Verdi… basically anything I find and enjoy.

Only thing I avoid is rap and hip hop.

I got married to Beethoven’s Seventh, or rather the version where Sarah Brightman is singing it as Opera. Even though I’ve been divorced these ten years now, that music still makes me happy. Verdi is good, and Rap and Hip Hop can be good. Some Rap, that which is about ‘Guns, b*tches and Bling’ is just mindless tat. Some of the earlier stuff by Public Enemy and N.W.A is actually thought provoking, well narrated/sung, and the sampling is spot on. Very bizarre thing happened (No this is not a sympathy story, just something that happened) When my Dad was on his last year with the Cancer, he started listening to my music, which at the time was Gorillaz (Actually, that’s Hip Hop, listen to it, its really good) and I started listening to ‘his’ music, which was largely Johnny Cash. And we both got really weirdly into the music! Obviously sad context, but it was like “Wow, Music I would never have listened to” Now, Love me some Johnny Cash now and then. :smiley:

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My love is Beethovens 9th and Mozarts Requiem.

I know all Rap aint bad, it just doesnt interest me in the slightest.

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Rap is good gym music, or I should say: some rap makes good gym music.

Rap and good in the same sentence? Reported for trolling :open_mouth:


:frowning: :sob:

My current Squeeze know that they can just reduce me to happy tears by having the DJ play “God Only Knows” and slow dancing with me to it. I’m man enough to admit it. That song. Every time. In the frickin’ Feels… But then she has known me 20 years, …

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I think I my case it was more I could dance and dance somewhat properly. You need a bit more context for it to make sense. apologies to people, no offence meant by any terms used.

My wife is of Jamaican heritage. She literally breathes rhythm and is very musical, sassy and fiery. I am probably the squarest Englishman you could ever meet. I’m a teacher with an elbow padded jacket for Christ’s sake and I’m happier reading how to do something than doing it. A complete mismatch but we totally work.

So when I did this completely surprisingly (she has a background in dance) I think it was something of a girlish fantasy she never thought she’d realise in marrying me so she put it aside, so I learnt how to.


Does headbanging count as dancing?

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I can dig that, I had to learn some Cuban moves for a Cuban missis, and some quality moves for a Sikh GF, and dressed up that way, I felt like I was in a Bollywood movie, because Oh my Word! Sikh’s do weddings well. If ever given the opportunity to go to a Sikh Wedding, the first words out of your mouth must be “I accept, Auntie-ji”

I’ve not seen anything like it, and I am, an ancient, rambunctious man of speckled nature and great contestation with whether drink bests me, or I best drink, but by the Gods… Sikh Weddings! Oh my… I got nothing. I am half a Scotsman, and half an Irishman, born in England, and of those three, I tell you, none can drink at weddings like the Sikh…

And to be fair, good on you for learning the dance, Pax, I can’t dance. I can’t Sing. Ask me to Narrate a Speech, and I’m your Man. SInging or Dancing, you’re best off asking a tadpole with a loudhailer on rollerskates!

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It took me a long time to learn. Very out of my comfort zone. I’m glad I did though because it’s the kind of thing I’ll be glad I did for stuff like my daughter’s wedding day if she decides to get married for example, and I won’t look like a complete plank.

THat’s the proper dad way tho


Im already that kind of father. I think I can stow it for one day to come across socially normative.

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