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Do hats sell well? Can they be traded for other valuable things?


They’re a popular transmog item for the discerning individual, so I’d say yes, there’s profit to be made

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I may have a stock tho, i just have to take my Sunday hat and my Fox Hunter Rifle to found it back.

the price is way too higth, the entire world want a gilnean hat.

I will found it back !

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Most interesting information. Thank you for your insight miss druid. A taz’dingo to you.


Good luck with your quest my friend tips imaginary hat

I would love a cosmetic top hat for non worgen characters :frowning:

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There’s one from island expeditions, isn’t there?

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Hmm, that’s a good looking worgen :slight_smile: The undone shirt looks good on him.

Wait, how much wine have I had…? :crazy_face:


Its cloth, not cosmetic :confused:

Sad times :cry:

You can get one with fishing , a good one :

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Moar grills :laughing:

Jeez Blizz, ruining all our fun! #unsub :stuck_out_tongue:

But seriously, top hats should be for everyone! You can get mini top hats for your bee pet so why not for your actual character?

Also the worgen top hat is bugged in human form. My worgen lady’s heritage top hat looks too big for her head … kind of weird. Half whacked job from Blizzard intern.

Currently my DK wears a flower crown, but I would make her wear hats instead.

Was Teldrassil not enough? I didn’t think the Alliance were big fans of BBQs, but sure, we can arrange more. Happy to help!


Not that kind of grill :laughing:

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The Bilgewater Cartel is willing to provide cheap Goblin Rocket Fuel for the occasion. It’s the best deal anywhere.

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Don’t Galliwix already taken all the money yet ?

Gallywix was a chump with half a brain and less than half of that could keep the books. The amount of money he didn’t make…