We need more female gamers

yee boi #guardiangang where u at

you’re on!!!

Remember I’m a Scotsman living in Florida.


I only have metal CDs, havent really bought any other kinds of records…


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No thanks. Keep away from them in real life and online too.

This is the amount of male friend i got in my friend list, Yea i don’t know why but seems male like a lot PvP, but the only female i found is in RBG. Yet seen none in Arena.

Maybe too much male toxic in arena :man_shrugging:

but i don’t pay attention to that, i ignore gender when playing arena :smile:

Spits out coffee

hey in time of crisis no wasting food, especially coffee !

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I stock up my entire storage with coffee & fridge with milk

Im good :smile:

Today i went to groceries, to buy ice cream and caramel candy. You should have seen face of those masked people with full carts. I do not need food, I have enough supplies. I wanted icecream. I did not have icceream.

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How dare you forget cookies and tea man ?

You can’t be serious !

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I am norwegian, we dont drink tee

Cookies … i buy em but not to that degree :smile:


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Yeah coffee doesn’t count as food.

This man lies, we do indeed drink tea. Not all of us are uncultured louts.


Where is your top hat?

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A vulpera stolen it :sob:

Forsaken from Lordaeron kingdom should never speak in the name of gilnean, but i will let you live since you got a point here

True norwegians drink coffee & smacktalk people loudly behind their back very louldy to the point where backtalking is pointless

Or am i thinking of bulgarians

I forgot

Time to make a vulpera coat then

Lazy beasts in hats from Gilneas shouldn’t speak unless their handler, Anduin, lets them either, but these are desperate times when many people do crazy things.

It doesn’t?? Oops…


“Vulpera stole my top hat” would be an excellent guild name… :thinking: