Well, some of the snowflakes we have here on the forums don’t seem to melt fast enough
1 nightelf, 1 bloodelf and a Vulpera because i had to, i have another void elf priest somewhere, around lvl 80
I melt really quick with the right words
According to the international business times, around 30% of WoW players are female.
Now, that’s obviously not 50/50, but considering this is a game about war and murder and combat and competition, it’s actually somewhat high. Women generally, and I use the word generally very deliberately here to make it clear that it’s not a segmentation and not a rule, but a generalisation, are less interested in these sorts of things.
But most likely the reason you don’t see more women in WoW is because you think it’s a man whenever you see anybody unless it’s somehow obviously a woman. I don’t know how you determine this, but whatever. You’re wrong.
Our core raid team has 3 women in it. We are 25 members total. That’s lower than the average of the playerbase overall, but I think that’s quite normal for mythic raiding. I suspect most women are more into pet and transmog collecting and tradeskills and things like that. But so is Asmongold.
So remember: The distributions are different, but there is massive overlap anyway, and there are women everywhere all around you when you’re playing. You just haven’t realised. And that’s fine. We’re all trying to escape into a fantasy universe where we can be whatever we want, regardless of who we are in the real world, so it doesn’t actually matter.
Swoons Take me now!
You’re actually in a strange bracket then, and not as ‘manly’ as you would think, which is all fine and dandy, as most types of sexuality are. People have this bizarre idea of how machismo works, without realising that a lot of what people cite as fact, is in fact utter tosh that is demolished by historical fact. Its kind of like, have you ever heard someone use the term ‘Alpha male’?
When you hear that, you hear someone who hasn’t done their homework. No such thing as an Alpha Male. No. Not Even in Wolves. Never Existed. The Scientist and author who coined the whole idea that Alpha Males existed, later went on, and in an all too rare, but admirable example of honesty, published a paper saying that in fact he was wrong, he had been working on flawed observations, and that no mammals actually have the concept of an alpha male, but are much more like Swiss Army Knives. Best tool for the best job, with ones taking lead who are best at certain things, as and when those things are needed.
The Societies historically that have naturally been seen as very macho, equally, did not have this weird idea that women had to be ‘pretty and stay at home’ I mean I come from a set of countries where the Deity of War, Chaos and Terror was very definably a woman, well, actually three, Nemhain Macha and Badb, collectively The Morrigan. The Ancient Britons/Celts did not find the idea of a ‘chick being into War’ as a weird thing, in fact it was seen as a natural thing. Know the first time we saw historically the idea that women should not be smart or powerful?
Cleopatra. She terrified Rome. She was a polymath, fluent in seven languages, she absolutely understood politics, and was a capable general, and even more terrifying she was an absolute mistress of how to manipulate people, in general, not just men. Funny thing is, contemporary images indicate that she actually wasn’t physically that attractive, I mean she wasn’t hideous, but she wasn’t mythically beautiful, kind of a 6/10 maybe.
Rome couldn’t handle the idea that not only Caesar, but Marc Antony had fallen for what sounds like a very charismatic and intelligent woman. Romans were Menly Men, and so the Cleopatra myth was started. She must have been supernaturally ‘beautiful’ to make two such Roman leaders fall for her wiles…
No culture pre-Cleopatra had this idea of women not being able to do manly stuff.
Only since.
So really, it is an aberration, as an idea, that girls have to do girly stuff, and all came about because two rich and powerful roman dudes fell at different times, for a smart, clever, skilled woman.
So abandon that idea that Women shouldn’t be in to such things. It is a relatively (alright, two thousand year old) modern conceit.
“By fire be purged!”
Did it work? Did you melt?
Christ Brigante, you’re really on a warpath, aren’t you.
I love it.
He plays a Blood Elf Hunter.
Who was their Ranger General before Brightwing? He’s following suit
What can I say…Monday’s are a Prison…and I will set us Free…
Sylvanas was killed on a Monday, then.
That explains everything.
Huh? I thought this game was about pretty elves and fluffy pets and dressing up
So I guess all that is left is Matriarchs in the animal world - i guess women were meant to rule after all
runs away and hides
Why, are you implying that Jaina and Sylvanas aren’t enough?
Well, it kindda can be?
That’s the thing about WoW. It’s definitely about a world at war, and you’re definitely going to have to kill, but once you reach a certain point in the game, you can actually just stop and start playing pet battles and auction house and gathering flowers while being a pretty elf if that’s your jam.
I drive a Toyota Starlet 'cause I’m compensating for something.
My guild is raiding mythic with ~40% women, can still do all these things while raiding mythic, they are not mutually exclusive. While I am into mogs, I won’t touch pet content at gunpoint.
Nope. Anti-magic Shell was up.
Hi Yphera! Long since i’ve seen u! Hows it going?
I did say there was large overlap, didn’t I?
40% in a mythic raiding guild is quite unusual, but obviously there’s nothing wrong or right with it. It just is what it is.
Oh well.