We need more female gamers

Well since this is gamers forum and will not be read by people whom are not already part of demographic,make me wonder if title of this thread is call for sex change surgery ?


Yes, this is the only way by which we can assure an equal balance of both genders playing wow. All male players will roll a dice (because of course we need rng) and depending on the results some will be assigned surgery. Itā€™s clearly the only reasonable solution!


This seems an appropriate time to use this: but there are no men on the internet!!!


female gamers maybe yes, but no more female streamers please.

What about classic players ,they use DKP ? :thinking:

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Since thereā€™s no women on the internet, and no men either, basically the internet just runs itself? :fearful:


Screeches in Y Chromosome


that means your pesonality is not attractive for females .simple

yes .you might have heard about skynet from terminator

Not a million miles away from the premise of a story I started writing. What happens when your Facebook profile knows you better than yourself, and starts liking posts you never even saw, making friends requests you never even knew about, and blocking people that it deems harmful to you, whether you want it to or notā€¦

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Hey! Did you downlevel? o.o Pretty good! Trying to get some online time in inbetween nappy times :smiley: not much else to do with the lockdownā€¦ How are you?!


Genderless Illuminati lizards from Jupiter via holographic manifestation , you should know that by now .


The South Park episode ā€œYou have 0 Friendsā€.

Iā€™m forgetful :frowning:


God Dammit, not seen that one, good job I never got past the conceptual idea then, that would have been gutting if someone else got there first!

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No, internet is under the strict control of Allied Mastercomputer (a.k.a Adaptive Manipulator or Aggressive Menace) - like we all are. And thatā€™s a fact.

edit: I canā€™t be the only one who remembers who or what A.M isā€¦ :no_mouth: :scream:


Now you are gonna start a riot, you have stated it as fact and therefore you must have lots of evidence to back it up, such as facts, figures/dates. If you cannot do this then I believe a funny gif is an acceptable alternative

p.s. Who or what is A.M? :wink:


I never have any sort of evidence to back up anything I say, and thatā€™s also a fact :smirk:

And about A.Mā€¦ I already gave you two clues: ā€œ:no_mouth: :scream:ā€


Itā€™s run by Druids Multiboxers.

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Yes iā€™m going the opposite route, leveling downwards :sweat_smile: baby doing ok? Make sure u get enough rest while he(?) sleeps :slight_smile:

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Then you owe Emje a .gif

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