Enough is enough, why do we have this handicap? Why is my dual wielding greatsword warrior constantly at a disadvantage in keys over every other melee spec just for… the sake of it?
What is the actual reasoning behind us having a shorter attack range than every other melee class. Rogues can outrange our attacks when they use daggers, I mean seriously? It’s not like it doesn’t matter either there’s genuinely many examples over the years in boss fights and other situations where we practically have to be right on the mob/boss we’re attacking when they’re about to cast an aoe ability etc. and we’re right on the edge of been able to attack. Or where we have to move out of range of attacking in order to not hit anyone else, when other melee classes can move back but still hit the target.
Warriors, speak up. It annoys you. It’s annoyed you for years. Blizzard, give us the same attack range as other melee classes. It’s stupid, frankly, that it isn’t already the case.
i think they deleted all talents that increase attack range for rogues and ferals with the release of tww. so that means rogues are not outranging us anymore.
i could be wrong though.
i was also saying since DF, that warrior with big 2handed weapons should be the one that has an advantage when it comes to melee range. so we should get 8-10 yards on melee when rogues get 5 cause they are swinging little daggers. but blizzard doesnt listen and often is set on “wE kNoW wHaTs BeSt FoR tHe GaMe!!!” and they dont listen to the playerbase
I’m not saying we should attack as far as a Paladin, but we shouldn’t need to be as close as we have to be to hit something. Not sure if other melee classes have changed? if they have fair but still seems to me like others attack further than us.
But at that point just redesign melee and give everyone further attack range. Change to fundamentals.
I dont even understand why a feral or rogue would have more range. Like outlaw with their pistols sure but the otherwise its abit silly considering the rest of us have to be inside the boss.
I think the issue is less about the range of the attacks we have and more to do with the seemingly random hitboxes mobs have.
Sometimes it seems fine, I’m outside the hitbox but in range, other times I’m literally sat up a mobs ar*e and I’m still not in range. A good example is the big stone dudes before the last boss in Stonevault. I’m INSIDE the hitbox and sometimes I’m still not in range to attack.
Despite the normalisation of rage, warriors still need to be close enough to hit the enemy to generate a portion of our resource. Whereas every other melee classes resource is not explicitly tied to needing to be in range. So some leniency for warriors should be considered. Especially (as others have mentioned) We literally have another 2 foot of range given the fact we are using two handed weapons.
I didn’t realise they got rid of the range for some of the melee classes. Not really the way they should’ve gone, should’ve just increased ours but as long as it’s fair now, all good in my eyes.
I agree with the statement above that hitboxes are scuffed though. Sometimes you can be far, sometimes not.