We need to talk about demonform

So i am opening this topic about demonhunters, because i find it bizzare that they cant make demonform have the same eye choice as your normal form. So lets say i choose belf demonhunter with green glowing eyes, and when i go demonform, suddenly a blindfold appears. Why cant they just keep your normal choice ?

Like, whats up with this sh*t :confused:

I know itโ€™s lazy. But you can ask the same question about your transmog. Where is your armor, and shiny boots?

We can answer this question by accepting the fact, that when we unleash our inner demon and do metamorphosis, we will gain the appearance of the demon, we hold in our bodies, including clothes.

Why do they were blindfolds and have Illidari dress? Well, they were subdued and imprisoned and they gained this dress before we actually consumed them.

This is the best explanation I can give to make for devs hazy demon hunter lore development.

We could definitely use some glyphs to adjust our demon form. A pity that they are not in the game.

For me itโ€™s weird that Belf all of a sudden changes into Nelf in demon form. Just fix the ears and we are fine :smiley:

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