Oh no, she gets to walk around freely.
Such a harsh punishment, how can she ever overcome that?
Oh no, she gets to walk around freely.
Such a harsh punishment, how can she ever overcome that?
She is in the maw for all time.
“All” time…
Sure bud, keep believing that.
She isn’t back yet so the sentence is meant to stay forever.
I think we have talked about the purge way too much already
Those who are guilty are not dead.
As well as sylvanas is not dead although she is guilty
The moment sylvanas got away with such a ridiculous punishment they made jaina untouchable because every alliance member can say: “hey-what about sylvanas?”
And we all know she’s only parked there temporarily because Blizzard can’t bring her right back in the next addon.
And btw jaina didn’t kill anyone- has also been disproven umpteen times now, but as we know you will ignore that
They did kill people you can deny it all you like but it happened. Hundreds of Sunreavers suffered for something the players did.
Not canon until it happened. Or more likley your personal speculation without a source.
She was literally send to super hell aka our version of purgatory. that IS Punishment.
She was swnd to hell to rescue the souls her actiona bringe thwm their.
And as players we also rescue souls aa a daylie routine for thw covenants.
If she’s done, she ia again free.
It wasn’t about to bw an eternity- but save those who are undeserved their , ans since we gi down threi for 2 yeas, threi couldn’t be so many left.
Only thoa who resisted git killed, the others git arrested and that jaian attacks sunreaver were a bug-even admitted by Blizzard
Your alliance bias is shown again just like every other time you had bad faith arguments on the german forums too.
And she will remain there for a long time since Blizzard said nothing so far about what can or should happen. Try again.