So Aethas and Jaina met in the last questline prior to Undermine story but this topic never comes up? How can the other Sunreavers trust him with anything if he doesn’t hold her accountable for the blood elves she killed back in MOP? Blizzard is not doing a good job with this story so far.
I feel like you answered your own question with your last sentence.
What’s there to talk about? We’re not Blizzard.
Call Metzen if you want to know why something is written, or isn’t written, a certain way or another.
I am asking this cuz usually the bad guys get punished. But Vereesa remains on the lose despite her antagonistic ways against all blood elves ever since wotlk. That is a lose end without a fitting conclusion.
And what do you imagine anyone on this forum is going to be able to do about it?
Blizzard has admins here even if they aren’t always active. If they see players are upset they will do something about it,
And Santa Claus exists.
“We need to talk about the Purge of Dalaran”
Again…? Get over it, it happened, nobody has Dalaran anymore because it’s a pile of rubble…all thanks to a void elf-looking void aberration called Xal’atath
No I can’t get over it. Jaina and Vereesa are still alive.
Wow - fantasy pixels are still alive…get a life…
my people died due to them so I want revenge.
your not a blood elf, silly
I am a blood elf RPer so this is personal.
You know there’s not much to do ingame when Erevian spams the forums more.
I will spend all day doing the new content so don’t worry.
Same question why Germans don’t hold the other country responsible for the people killed in the last war.
It was in a way justified and colleteral damage is partly justified.
Also the bloodelfs are to weak to actually contest any human mages. So might makes right too. Bloodelfs are overall inferior when it comes to magic since they are inheritant to Azeroth while Jaina is a human and is by default a better mage
The blood elves deserve some justice i Say.
They are hypocrites who ally with any evil force just to have minimal gains since they are not able to stand for themselves.
The voidelves showed that once free from the bloodelves culture there is a bit of hope. But the bloodelves don’t have any right to exist anymore after all they done.
the void elves suck on Anduins toes. They are essentially slaves of humanity who betrayed their people for male human paladin husbands just like Alleria did. Void abominations must be exterminated.
Jaina and Vereesa will be punished around the same time Sylvanas, Thrall, Aethas, Lor’themar, Thalyssra, etc will be punished.
Which is never. But atleast Jaina and Vereesa are innocent.
Sylvanas was punished. So there is that.